Dustin Du Cane

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Dustin Du Cane


Lawyer, dog lover, genocide writer, internet arguer. Fallout.Substack.com. Warsaw Bar WA-8118. Propaganda works on me.Co-wrote this http://cup.columbia.edu/book/putins-war-russian-genocide/9783838218335 Putin's War Russian Genocide about Ukraine 2022
Liz Truss should get some Tory Russians to finance her SLAPP libel trial against the government, the country needs a laugh and catharsis.
If you have to bookmark tweets, install Zotero and put the tweets into that with click in browser. It’s a reference tool, mainly for books and journals but also sites, tweets and other nonsense. I bookmarked tweets from Russian officials into a chapter on Russian genocide.
One downside of deleting my Twitter is that I can no longer access the thousands of posts that I had saved as my "favorites." But on the plus side I will be allowed into heaven.
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A forensic & extremely thorough, if not exhaustive, examination of the cognitive abilities of two men lining up for what is arguably the most important election since perhaps even the founding of the USA 250 years ago. @hcrichardson.bsky.social PS Long read! open.substack.com/pub/sethabra...
We Now Know What Really Happened in Atlantaopen.substack.com Media lied to voters about the cause of President Biden’s subpar debate performance. The lie—described here in full—is unforgivable, and was intended to chill discussion of Trump’s cognitive decline.
I see this minor issue with this - the power to judge constitutionality that the SC usurped two centuries ago. They’ll wave their hands and say - nananananana
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Soldiers will get a week of NAFO shitposting Putin training. Funnily enough NAFO actually did a lot of good stopping Russia which is why it gets a mention in our book.
Hey the new army chief said it’s just enough to make all the soldiers cyber special. fallout.substack.com/p/you-cant-c... Expect army cuts and every man expected to be a Rambo (III) instead.
You can't cyber-special a land warfallout.substack.com Imperical colonial war nonsense
Drones over Reading. I wouldn’t go to any weddings until democracy is restored.
Now that we're a caliphate; does that mean the US is going to invade us or sell us weapons? I'm confused
Since I randomly hit this subject on my day off, nope - I didn’t much care. There have been dozens of more traumatic things in my life, as in any man’s who isn’t a sad narcissist.
Rob Lowe is right - there's nothing more traumatic than a man losing his hairwww.telegraph.co.uk Sadly, I don’t share many attributes with Rob Lowe.
Fascists win when they discover the cheat code of “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me” and not fascists are scared of pushing back hard and instead spend their time deluding themselves that maybe they will do next time and maybe there are things they won’t do. Source: Weimar.
Institutions work until they don’t. It’s banal but true. Courts as institutions worked when Trump tried to steal the election, but FedSoc has been chipping away at them for decades, and I think it is very rational to doubt they will work any more to restrain an executive.
(At least the king was directly elected and without an electoral college making Krakow as important as Pcim)
“Must maintain the world’s oldest democracy” Narrator: it wasn’t anything close.
Its dazzle camouflage for the nursing home.
What do you mean, the carpet is killing people? Carpet can’t…oh
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At #Attack2024 we're raising funds for a very deserving charity that is close to our hearts @modelsforheroes Our gererous traders donate prizes & we hold a daily raffle. 20% of the adult ticket price is also donated. Last year we gave the charity £661. #wargaming #charity #modelsforheroes #Devizes
Putin has ICC charges for basically genocide kidnapping. He is a genocidal murder fascist and his Moscow regime are thieving thief fascist genocide murder fascists. And if you would like to contest that, I can and will do it.
@moderation.bsky.app you labeled calling Moscow a fascist regime as intolerance? Would you like a word with on the subject with the ICC or ICJ? Or maybe @irgarner.bsky.social? Or maybe my co-author and editor of Putin’s War Russian Genocide, Ibidem and Columbia Uni Press, @philipblood.bsky.social?
Calls to quit should quit and fuck off.
In fact blue blood racism by Bush against Putin might have turned him against Amerika quicker. Putin offers to help in 2001, Bush laughs at him like he does with everybody else. Putin was always going to be a mad genocide dictator but Bush accelerated with his with us as minions or against us.
Nope, project 2025 is old school American blue blood fascism. They’re not inspired by Orban or Putin in any way. Elite old dynasty money mixing with new tech money. The people who plotted against Roosevelt. A century of work and preparation. Not copying from opportunist thief Orban.
Nope, project 2025 is old school American blue blood fascism. They’re not inspired by Orban or Putin in any way. Elite old dynasty money mixing with new tech money. The people who plotted against Roosevelt. A century of work and preparation. Not copying from opportunist thief Orban.
Military historians unite
Must have missed this place in Prague... feeling slightly triggered
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The city of Phoenix is a challenge to God and the planet, much like the even more ludicrous Gulf cities. There’s only so far chrome and steel can get you. www.axios.com/local/phoeni...
NASA captures 160-degree roads and sidewalks across Phoenixwww.axios.com Surfaces that hot can cause contact burns in seconds.
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Just listened to a German talking about how Britain has entered its post populist phase. What like Weimar in 1932?
Doing my @timkav.bsky.social paint I s temporary until I find a good shop. Needed to deal with the rust
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