
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
I think of it as group therapy meets open-mic night
it's the little cafe by the sea all the retired people can visit to sip coffee and talk about the world, big and small, while playing chess or reading a newspaper
Bluesky is a public park that gives every patron a soapbox to stand on and say things, but the real fun is running between the soapboxes and treating them as improvisational "yes and" exercises. And every week someone on a soapbox shows their dick and gets kicked out of the park forever.
bsky, like its predecessor, is at its best just to see folks come and chat with friends and discuss whatever's on their mind. At least for me, anyway.
I for one can not deny that I often enjoy dick pics.
Open mic night gazebo
Sob. I miss the bad site.. In the before times. Friend interaction was soo dense. As I've become an old, I've started to miss the little cafewhere all us goths and the hackers hung out, play board games, used the computers, read our books, and eventually found ourselves staying for open mic.
It was fine before they bulldozed it. This cafe is nice too tho. Tho sometimes the vibes are a bit grim when the thing on everyone's mind is, ... well, *waves hands wildly in the air* all of this. But other than that, it's a great little place
Yeah, they razed the bad place to the ground and built it ugly - we know we can never return. But this new cafe is fine, a bit quiet at times -but the sights are nice and there are less trolls. And often good friends stop by and it doesn't matter if it's been a month or 8 since you said hi.
(fwiw I think folks are being a bit uncharitable to Peter's original post, which I take to be less "social media is worthless", which it is not, it can be a community or a foundation for activism in various forms, and more "it's good to touch grass sometimes too")
I thought it was pretty obvious that he was saying not 'social media has no positive effect on any individual's life,' which is blatantly wrong, but 'us flapping our gums like this has no effect on world affairs,' which is basically true.
Oh! I mean some of my best friends, my life long friends I met online. (For this iteration, irc and chat rooms count as social), I think there is a place and room for both irl and social - I realize that down -thread I can hyper-focus on individual comments. I get lost down-comment sometimes.
Fair enough, but now I'm thinking of Genesis "Home by the Sea" 😐
🎵 You want to go where people know, people are all the same, You want to go where everybody knows [only] your name.🎶