
I’m not actually kidding when I say that we need to get the GOP and tech bros into devouring the flesh of their closest rivals for sport.
The thing is, THE THING IS, they EAT EACH OTHER. If they manage something like raising a lot of money for Dear Leader they FIGHT each other to steal it. MAGA all the way down means "I got mine, screw you!"
The idea is ancient and massively multicultural. Eat your foes to gain their power. Weak leftists offer no benefits. You’re an alpha. You need to eat a Bezos or a Thiel if you want that little something extra.
Breakfast, lunch, reinforcements.
It’s a beautiful work of art. Fun fact! The blood in the movie had a lot of different appearances not by design, but because the production ran through all the fake blood in Slovakia, where it was filmed. The ended up using real blood from butchers.
One of those movies where you can absolutely tell a LOT of things didn't go the way they planned lol. That's what makes it work!
Zuckerberg is gonna be dry and stringy after all that UFC training, he needs a braise or a slow smoke
Just use some meat glue and make a Zuckerberg/wagyu steak.
Interesting side point, one of the number one killers of Nazis in Germany was other Nazis.
Yeah, dudes think they’re all safe as long as they support their Dear Leader. Check out some pictures of what Germany looked like after WWII - not too pretty.
And moving up in the party often meant lying about the activities of the person above you, which often meant the firing squad for them.
I’m thinking if Trump loses again it will be such a blow to their base. Sure you got the die hards that are going to keep trying no matter what but the emotional toll? To the people who see Trump lose to a tired old man? They’d break apart, fast. They’d stop buying the grifters supplements.
Like can you imagine it? That not only does he lose a second time, he does so to Biden? Can you imagine the outrage on Fox? That delicious Schafenfraude as they realize they gambled it all and lost. Twice. In a row. 4 more years of Dems in the White House? None of them would touch Trump again!
That’s even if Trump lives that long, he’s not exactly in good health
Just hope they don't come rioting in my neck of the woods.
You'd think so, but you have to understand their mindset. They never 'fail'. Ever. Theirs is a perfect, superior world where the only reason they don't get whatever they want is because dirty rotten *cheaters* are stealing what is rightfully theirs.
Well that is one of the basic tenets of fascism. It's always the fault of some minority. Because they are practically perfect in every way, so it can't ever be their fault. They clearly never read Shakespeare.
Still, I hope they become so depressed that they sit at home and do absolutely nothing, until they rot.
Their little faces, so pouty and sad...
I’m just saying, a second defeat will hurt them. A lot. And Donald may not be so cognis mentis in another four years. This paves the way for a more youthful fascist takeover but still, it’ll demoralize them.
This is why Haley was useful - a revolting person, in many ways as bad a fascist as any other republican, but a sower of discord. We need more of this. Let them actually destroy each other. Make them destroy each other.
If the empire is falling anyway, reopen the Colosseum
and then lock them all into a lazertag course and throw away the keys.