
it is not exactly a big fucking surprise that Biden is old and the time to have a big party-wide freak out over that was years ago
“but we didn’t know he was old, or we would have primaried him” is a weak ass argument.
The time to flip about his age was in 2019 and we were all told to shut up. We're locked in. Now everyone else needs to shut the fuck up and get to throwing punches at the Nazis.
The way that the sudden concern over Bidens age seems to have coincided with the Supreme Court decision to make the President unprosecutable is making the conspiracy theory prone part of my brain run wild
It's insane that the NYT is treating a 50-year public servant's age as "news" is a perfect metric for how far this country has fallen. We already knew how old he is and voted for him anyway.
If you’re not old enough to have voted for Hubert Humphrey, you should really go look that up and see what happened.
I’m way too young to have voted for Humphrey and I know exactly what happened, so I feel like no ones got an excuse
I am also way too young but my parents raised me on Tom Lehrer so I never DIDN’T know
I'm gonna have "Whatever Became of Hubert" stuck in my head for the rest of the day, so thank you. (Whether I meant that thank you sincerely or sarcastically remains to be seen.)
a friend gave a party last month and we played Encore and got the category “Historical People” and you KNOW that song came up I was pretty proud of using “So Long Mom, I’m Off To Drop The Bomb” for “Brinkley and Huntley”
That's excellent. Also, I can't say their names without adding an extra syllable.
describing contrapuntally the cities we have lost / no need for you to miss a minute of the agonizing holocaust
I feel that certain fine points of history aren’t well taught these days. Not that that’s an excuse.
I know enough about it to know that year’s convention was also in Chicago.
I had my wisdom teeth out that summer. I asked the dentist if my face was black and blue and he said I looked fine. I was disappointed because I wanted my friends to think I had been at the Chicago convention when I went back to school. Yes, that strange I was.
I was four years shy of even being born and I know. The ignorance is inexcusable.
So confused as to why they're trying to get him to drop out NOW of all times
Because they want Trump to win
50/50 on it being malice or incompetence tbh
Also I was being rhetorical. I thought about adding a disclaimer but didn't and here we are
I would have supported almost anyone else over Biden in 2020, but did anyone actually throw their weight behind him then on the assumption that we would simply oust the incumbent in a new primary four years later?
*something something birth certificate* :/
The long form only, obviously
We couldn’t have that argument back then because Bernie was also very old. 😉
I may have said this exact thing to my father in law yesterday. It's irrational to try to do something drastic about it now.
Sadly I think the Democratic establishment is too addicted to extolling the supposed virtues and wisdom of its aging members to do that now
To be fair in 2015 he advertised himself as a one term president. Not sure if it was himself or the DNC that decided he should try for reelection.