Cabe - GreggB

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Cabe - GreggB

I'm why we can't have nice things. Fear. Confusion. Chaos. My work here is done. Only to be sold as part of a multipack. He/Him.
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It’s “Family Friendly.” So … no breasts or thighs?
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Some wild takes popping off ahead of tomorrow, so I’ll just say this: your only job is to rid us of tories. It doesn’t matter who you vote for as long as it aids the removal of these complete cunts. You ain’t on Reddit now, champ - this is very real. Stop them any way you can: Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
Well, that's rad. Maybe these library things could do with some more money.
“Check out a musical instrument with your library card, and reserve one of our recording studios to play in!”
I did the Circle thing and I lolled when I saw this. Watch out, because not even the adorable hounds bacon is safe from
Reposted byAvatar Cabe - GreggB
"With fear for our democracy, I dissent," is about as bedrock and terrifying and vital a statement as you're going to get. That's a line you spraypaint on walls, that you ink into your skin. And it's chilling that it is necessary to say at all.
Justice Sotomayor, in conclusion.
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Make a band bready. Rolling Scones (Yes, that's how you're supposed to pronounce it, don't at me, and it's jam first, also don't at me.)
Make a band bready. Hovis Presley.
Absolutely wild! Lower Decks / Midnight Suns
Star Trek: Enterprise / Root ...huh. XD
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Whilst this is 1000000% true, I don't do it because that would require me to understand what I wrote in the first place.
spending an hour on documentation is usually your best use of time as an engineer. that's why nobody does it
Not hating that I am entering my Stephen Strange era.
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Reposted byAvatar Cabe - GreggB
On Monday June 24, the CRIT Awards cancelled their ceremony at Gen Con due to "safety concerns" amid online harassment from Zionists. So far, neither Gen Con nor the CRIT Awards have offered definitive answers.
Sorry to link out to TheBadPlace™ but this is why you don't post photos of your keys on the internet, kids.
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Comics are for everyone. Not “every comic is for everyone.” More like “there is a comic for everyone.” And also “every comic is for someone.” What else can I overthink for you?
Computers screamed when you plugged them into the internet.
How old are you? I'm so old that I remember when Google's ads had a purple background.
Why do I, the local idiot, gotta be an adult? Like, just because I am good at it, doesnt mean I *enjoy* it. I'm good at it so I can go back to being silly faster.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
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I don't want to read something no-one has written. I don't want to look at something no-one has drawn. I don't want 'Happy Birthdays' no-one has wished me. And I don't want this destructive, thieving, soulless nontent sending our power and water usage into ever-more critical levels. #fuckAI
Reposted byAvatar Cabe - GreggB
im extra mad about this. its just so inept. no excuses for this level of mismanagement of a project, esp when its workers, and not the execs responsible, who are once again paying the price
Paradox lays off entire studio before its game was even released:
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Absolute mood, thanks SMBC Comics.
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Publisher Evil Genius Games' promise not to develop any NFT or blockchain technology for its tabletop RPG company lasted about four months.
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
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Top Hat Death! 12x18" mixed media! Omg I love her!! This one was an experiment on new paper so I was worried for her there for a bit. Haha She's live in the shop NOW 😎🖤
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I treated some survivors to new lids. May they live on fit and healthy for another 30 years! The lids are from the Plastic Bottle Co. Just a shame they don't do black ones for my metallics and inks.
Reposted byAvatar Cabe - GreggB
Look at me. Listen to me: If someone is selling you a "search" & "knowledge" "AI" product they claim is smarter & better & faster than you, but it literally cannot be guaranteed to give you simple true facts about consensus reality when asked, then that product DOES NOT WORK and SHOULD NOT BE USED.
First Sundar Pichai, now Tim Cook, both admitting that generative "AI," by dint of its very foundations (cf. "Bias Optimizers"), will not and cannot stop bullshitting (cf. "On Bullshit Engines").
Tim Cook Admits Apple May Never Be Able to Make Its AI Stop In a new Washington Post interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook admitted that he's not "100 percent" sure the company's AI will stop lying.
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