
We should be running campaign ads about Trump wanting to nuke hurricanes
Hurricane season got tense once it was released that he asked if a hurricane could be nuked to stop it. Of course, Trump denies this. But, as we know, he denies millions of dollars worth of his life and lies.
look if you posted this entire thing and explained it point-by-point to people on the American right they would calmly explain that all it means is that we need bombs powerful enough to disrupt hurricanes
The level of stupidity and lack of stability required to think this suggestion is reasonable...who would honestly believe that a nuclear weapon could be used to alter hurricane patterns? It demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the dangers of nuclear weapons, too. Like radiation.
Thankfully, there IS a solution to the whole nuking-of-hurricanes issue. If everyone votes for Joe Biden (or another Democratic nominee if that were to change), we will not have to worry about the most ignorant person in the history of the Oval Office trying in vain to nuke a hurricane. #VoteBlue
NYT: "Nuclear bombs are widely maligned. A new idea from Supreme Leader Trump could change their image."
Sadly that would require message discipline of which the Dems severely lack.
The ad should have clips of them doing the same thing in Sharknado, then end by saying that isn't even his worst idea for dealing with hurricanes. Then show him drawing on the map with a Sharpie.
Did anyone think of using more than one nuke? (I'll go to my room.)
Thankfully, there IS a solution to the whole nuking-of-hurricanes issue. If everyone votes for Joe Biden (or another Democratic nominee if that were to change), we will not have to worry about the most ignorant person in the history of the Oval Office trying in vain to nuke a hurricane. #VoteBlue
elderly man tried to punch wind millions dead from radiation poisoning
With apologies in advance for the pun, are we worried those ads might backfire? I have enough science knowledge to know it’s wrong, but it *sounds* kinda cool.
Remember sharpiegate? I wish I didn’t.
One prob is a lot of people would naively think it was parody because he's so fuking dumb. I'd just go with the shooting someone on 5th Ave and then list those inspired by him: some of the many white people who have murdered their political enemies and gotten off because courts now say that's OK.