
Perhaps it is unsurprising but if I want to avoid debilitating abdominal cramps I can't eat oats, even certified gluten free oats, which perhaps was obvious to everyone but me, but now I don't have a good food to eat that's cold and requires no prep.
Corn cereal is not a good alternative for me, and rice cereal isn't worth the effort for me since I can't eat so much I stop being hungry, so I'm just sort of ... idk. What do people eat that doesn't involve cooking or knives?
No wheat, no eggs, no corn, no soy, not meat (I do eat meat but I'm not gonna eat it between meals), no precooking and no slicing things.
Is dairy okay for you? I’ve been buying cheese sticks (like string cheese but other kinds, I like colby jack) and then two of those with some fruit (grapes, cherries, etc) is a good snack for me.
I like cheese sticks in theory but I've had a bad run of luck with the brand of string cheese I can afford arriving moldy! I should look around for different types of cheese sticks, though, good idea, thanks.
Oh no! Moldy cheese is so sad! Especially packaged like that, where part of the point is for it to last, not good. I hope you can find something else that works for you.
Apologies up front for the minimal slicing, please disregard if not doable. Cucumber cut into spears, sprinkle with lime juice, chili powder & coarse salt. Really delicious.
This sounds like a winner snack for my husband, who loves everything tajin spiced, and likes unpickled cucumbers much more than me!
I eat them with stuff (eg on a salad) but I would have to eat a LOT of pistachios or cashews to replace breakfast, and from experience have learned it is ... inadvisable ... to eat that many in a day, lol.
Bwahahah, yeah… was also thinking yogurt with nuts in
you also typically avoid sugars, right? So like my banana and a glass of milk is probably off the table? Or fruit, nuts and a bit of chocolate? I have a cheap egg steamer that has changed my freaking life if you want me to link you.