
It is unconstitutional for Rubio to represent Florida in the case that this absolutely pathetic ticket fails to reach 270 electoral votes, but tragically there is no Democratic Party in the state to take advantage of this
I didn't see this coming exactly. Trump asks a sitting Florida senator to move to another state if he wants to be in consideration for a VP job. That senator then says sure.
I suppose technically he could say he was a resident of Florida when elected but I’d be an aggressive little twat about it if I had the power and influence to do so
Trump is far too racist, narcissistic, and misogynistic to pick anyone but an Anglo Saxon male VP. He’s so narcissistic that having a successor be anything other than the above is embarrassing to him by association.
Tired: Reviving norms to restore the centrality and importance of self-sovereignty among the people Wired: Reviving norms to kick Tuberville out of the Senate
That’s why I remembered it. Biden is fine, but he’s such a vibes guy. We really needed an Elizabeth Warren to codify all the things we thought were laws but found out after 2016 were just “norms.”
[florida democratic official voice] charlie crist