
At Al-Shifa hospital Gaza: We currently have around 600 inpatients who need medical care. We have around 37 to 40 premature babies. We have around 17 other patients in the ICU. We have around 600 postoperative admitted patients which need medical care. We need a ceasefire.
This collective punishment is not fair and a proportionate response, Every innocent human life matters weather it's Palestinian or Israeli, we need to think honestly and open our eyes. Hoping for the best 🙏
Hamas could stop all this!! But they dont.
extremely german of you to look at an oppressed underclass being packed into a ghetto and slaughtered and think, "they brought this on themselves"
Hamas started the war against Israel. They also ruled the Gaza. So they are responsible. Only they.
Do they hand you guys a script like you're in a call center with one of the bullet points being "whenever anyone talks about Palestinians be sure to always equate them 1 to 1 with Hamas" or what
so hamas attacking israel justifies ethnic cleansing and genocide? you're trying to justify bombing hospitals and sniping people who try to leave, bombing fleeing civilian refugees. log off and contemplate when you lost your soul.
Israel literally controls Gaza's power and water supplies. Israel rules Gaza and Palestine in all but name and slaughters innocents with impunity.
So full of shit I hope you're posting from the toilet
Israel started the war by being a colonial project.
Stell dir vor, ein Terrorist versteckt sich auf der Flucht in deinem Haus & benutzt deine Familie als Schutzschild. Die Polizei sprengt dein Haus, da das für sie der sicherste Weg ist, den Terroristen zu eliminieren. Für die Auslöschung deiner Familie wäre einzig der Terrorist verantwortlich?
HAMAS can't even control the power and water... truly you don't understand the nature of force. Sad little man making the same mistakes your forefathers made.
How’s a german zionist gonna call himself an antifascist?
We're all responsible for the direct and predictable consequences of our own actions; other people's crimes don't cancel out our own. The people killing or orphaning thousands of children are responsible for that—to pretend they're not is just moral cowardice. Israel can stop this. Today.
Lay down all weapons, release all the kidnapped people, stop all Shootings against Israel would be a good first step.
You want to help the hostages? Grab a shovel and dig through the rubble left by IDF bombs. You’re more concerned about them than the Israeli government, apparently.
And if they refuse? Do you just kill everyone?
Meanwhile Israel keeps bombing hospitals and herding human beings into impossible to escape situations, I assume?
Take your victim-blaming of infants in incubators and go back to Twitter.
Hamas exists because of the occupation. You can't commit war crimes and genocide against people and not expect some of them to eventually start fighting back.
Nope. Hamas exists to exterminate the Jews. According to their own statutes this is their sole purpose.
Always very strange to see these "leftists" support a fascist group like Hamas.
I've heard the "Hamas wants to exterminate Jews" line so many times and it's a flat-out lie. Hamas writes that their conflict is with the Zionists and not Jews. Zionism ≠ Judaism.
"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine."
And Father Christmas brings the gifts.
Hamas as an organization exists because of the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. When you oppress and commit genocide against a group of people, it's inevitable that some of them are going to fight back. Israel and its allies are largely to blame.
Nah pretty sure the people firing the rockets are the ones who could stop it.
Israel was doing this shit before Hamas existed and I don't think the tiny little babies deserve to die because of Hamas.
Courage à vous Courage à vos équipes sur place Tenez nous au courant Encore merci, pour tout
How about asking Hamas not to take patients as hostages/human shields?
If we could only live in a compassionate world, yet greed and division tend to be what rises to power. As a socialist I know we can do better than this as a species, but it will take time, education, energy, and a desire for liberation for all people.
You need Hamas to free the hostages. Or an evacuation plan. Whatever you think is more likely to happen on short notice.
Not surprised at all to find a free Genocide Cheerleader blocklist in the comments here 😑 Jesus fucking wept, y'all. INFANTS ARE FUCKING DYING AND YOU'RE BUSY FLOGGING THAT TIRED "HAMAS" RED HERRING ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Imagine the amount of deaths there would be if Israel didn’t have its iron dome with those 2000 plus rockets fired at them.
Hamas needs a ceasefire. You need to stop lying.
How about the American hostages? Your not worried about them Say their NAMES
Just ask Hamas to release the hostages and to surrender. That should take care of this.
Get hamas to return the hostages, you never know if that might help the prospect of a ceasefire..........