
“I won’t vote for someone who supports genocide” is a valid response to genocide. It does not require a follow up justification. It is, by itself, a valid political stance. It doesn’t require a next step. It doesn’t require having the answer for stopping genocide. Any answer starts with a “No.”
Not sure what you mean by "valid" here? It is certainly a choice you are allowed to make. It just isn't clear how it does a single thing to end the genocide, particularly given that one possibility is things get much worse if the President that Netanyahu prefers wins.
It's fucked up that you imagine that the situation for Palestinians - who are being murdered literally as I type this - could possibly be any worse than it is.
And it is naive to imagine that the situation for Palestinians - who have been being murdered for their land literally for longer than you've been alive - couldn't get even worse, when that's what *just happened* and could happen again.
They are literally being genocided right now, dipshit. How, pray tell, do you imagine it could be any worse for them?
They have been since 1948. If you can't imagine how it can get worse, read history or talk to people living it. I do not share your lack of faith in Palestinian victory and resilience, perhaps because I've been doing this long enough to know better first hand.
If you think that this is no different to the previous pogroms that Israel has carried out against Palestinians, you should take a look at the numbers.
That isn't what I think which is why it isn't what I said. Netanyahu is a vile far right war criminal conducting genocide in the open, the US is supporting it, and we need to stop that support. Who do you think is more likely to respond to public pressure? Who has done so thus far?
lolwut? In what way has Biden responded to public pressure?
If you haven't bothered to follow any of the results achieved by Palestinian liberation movement to date, I'm not sure why I should take you seriously when you claim to care about the issue. I encourage you to learn a bit more about the topic and about how politics works.
One nice thing is that aggressively pro-Israel people like John Fetterman are big mad about it:
a good sign it's the real thing.
I didn’t realize Fetterman was such an Israel hard-liner. That’s disappointing.
He pulled a Sinema, by pretending to be a Bernie progressive to get Lefty votes for the election, then dropped his mask the second he got into office.
So what has been happening for the past few days in Rafah is a picnic?
He’s super serious this time and is going to stop sending bombs at the same time Merchand throws Trump is jail. Pinkie promise.
I'm sure it won't count though, any more than any of the other gains made like stopping the visas of settlers or (until Trump) resisting the recognition of Jerusalem as embassy. They seem to think this just started last year also which, lol
It absolutely counts, at least as a start. And no, I am aware of the history of Israel, back to the Nakba.
Right. He should have done this months ago.