
I think in 3.5 years of Biden this is actually the first time someone has actually done the "but in this rural diner, they still love Trump!" story for Biden
NEW: Grace Panetta of The 19th spent the day talking to Democratic voters and volunteers at Biden's rally in Raleigh. Their reactions to the debate couldn't be more different from the ongoing panic among some top Dems and pundits.
'A missed opportunity': Groups critical to Biden’s success say they’re shaking off bad Reproductive rights groups weren’t happy with Biden’s answers on abortion in Thursday night’s debate, but neither they nor voters at his Friday rally said they wanted to abandon him.
That's right
“new york times columnists say biden should step down, but at this charlotte korean-mexican fusion restaurant, they still love ‘diamond joe’”
since when do swing state voters care about the NYT editorial board? didn't they endorse Hillary Clinton?
“new york times columnists say biden should step down, but at this charlotte korean-mexican fusion restaurant, they still love ‘diamond joe’”
(by somebody at the la times just to really twist the knife)
Wrong half of the state. No way NYT would travel that far from I-95.
Do you think Biden has a chance in North Carolina in 2024? Bullshit diner stories in the cloistered publications of the elite aside, it’s still tens of thousands of votes.
Idk. he lost the state by 1.5% in 2020 so yes probably?
The GOP nominee for NC GOV is toxic and NC DEMS have a dynamic young leader in Anderson Clayton, who is doing similar things there as what Ben Wikler did in WI. I'm bullish on our chances in NC.
Dynamic state and local candidates are great! I hope that is decisive!
In other news, Republicans declare that North Carolinans aren't Real Americans after all?
He went and shot the shit at a Waffle House immediately after the debate in search of someone writing this piece lol