
This is genuinely crazy to me. We're a 100% EV house, and charging is *sometimes* a *minor* issue when we do 3+ hour drives to other states.
Holy shit: McKinsey study finds that 46% of US EV drivers are likely to switch back to internal combustion, and cite lack of charging infrastructure as top reason. Globally some 29% are considering going back to gas. If this is remotely accurate, buckle up!
EV charging is so bleak in the US that 46% of owners are considering going back to gas-powered Nearly half of EV owners in the US are considering switching back to a gas-powered car, with a majority citing charging as the reason.
Would be interested in the question wording used here
the wording of the "how likely are you to swtich back to ICE" i feel like is very important
Also, "cannot charge at home" could mean multiple things. Does the person THINK they can't charge at home (true if they live in a cabin in the woods, I guess)? Does it mean they have no access to an outlet because "home" is an apartment?
yeah I'm not sure what the (very) means in this context. I would also be curious the fraction of first-time buyers, in my experience there is a pretty steep learning curve until you figure out where the good chargers are at, how battery depletion varies with weather, etc
Typically would mean it’s inclusive of people answering either “likely” or “very likely” on a 4- or 5-point Likert scale in response to a question like “how likely are you to switch back to an ICE car for your next vehicle”.
And I also don't know if that includes PHEVs, which isn't as big of a step backward.
i actually did switch back, happy to answer any questions on it. reasons were completely logistical. loved the LEAF but it's small inside. 2 car seats left no room for anything else. consistent charging at the office building but i live in an apartment with no chargers.
if all the chargers were occupied at work, i'd be stuck running carpool trying to pick up the gremlins, looking at single digit mileage and trying to make a contingency plan (happened a few times). can't run out to a supercharger or somewhere else at night while i had the kids home.
swapped almost one for one for a honda SUV with plenty of space that i need now, with plans to buy a new EV when i get a place i can install a home charger, simple as that.
13% of people are utterly deranged
Page 10 of the PDF they list all the reasons cited for considering switching back, and cost is basically even with the charging network (wording is charging is *not yet* good enough). Seems like kind of a different picture.
Also, page 6, cost is ahead of charging on reasons for not having switched from ICE yet