
Voters just blame whoever is President for whatever happens during their Presidency, which is a major reason why allowing the situation where the Supreme Court absurdly gets to make policy across whatever issue they want to persist is so deadly to Democrats
Stuff like this makes me bananas “For Antinya Walker, 19, who says she will be voting in her first presidential election this fall…said she believed Biden was against women’s rights. She blamed him for tightened abortion restrictions across the country”
In deep-blue L.A., Democrats feel worried, betrayed, stoic about Biden's Democratic voters in deep-blue LA County debated whether Biden should remain the presidential nominee following his disastrous debate performance last week.
I guess you can say Americans are ignorant if they don't understand the role the Supreme Court has in our system, but like... why would they? It's neither a system that makes any sense nor a system that actually exists in the Constitution (which didn't give the courts any policy making role)
It’s also a system performed behind scenes with no video evidence and the courts output consists of very long and difficult to parse opinions/dissents, comically corrupt bribery scandals, and really stupid flag controversies.
Imagine a person unfamiliar with our dynamics learning SCOTUS runs the whole show? It’d be like learning the weird jello salad with mystery fruit floating in it is the main course at the picnic.
Doesn't help that Democrats have spent years refusing to talk about how the Roberts court is an illegitimate corrupt clown show. If you want your voters to know that and know how they've hurt people, you need to talk about it a lot
The main reason I got interested in the Supreme Court was stupid Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing and it’s really because I was blown away that some asshole who was talking about “Long Dong Silver” at work was up for consideration. I grew up in DC and know government is a mess but WTF?
The Australian Constitution explicitly gives the High Court the power to decide constitutional questions, as well as being the final court of appeal. And yet we hear very little from the Court.
Also he said multiple times in 2020 he was going to make Roe v Wade the law of the land & although I get why it didn’t happen we shouldn’t be hearing him make the exact same promise in 2024 unless he’s prepared to expand the court.
Respectfully all of the elections post Dobbs have proven that voters know exactly what party is attacking women’s rights. A few anecdotes of less informed voters doesn’t change the actual data of election results.
What are you talking about, he's got no bass in his voice!! “Nobody’s scared of him. He’s not even talking loud — no bass in his voice, nothing.”
It’s likely half of voters are below average.
Maybe they wouldn't if we had a president who could communicate who's doing what to whom.
Except for Covid. Or honestly anything at all that happened in 2020. For some reason none of that counts.