
SOOOOO don't get mad but: there is plenty of evidence that driving after smoking weed causes various sorts of impairment but the evidence that it causes DANGEROUS impairment is actually pretty skimpy, and it's almost certainly vastly safer than driving drunk.
like you absolutely shouldn't do it--shit, don't even drive, give it up, sell your car--but there has been Discourse on here today of the form "like driving drunk, driving while high is Never Okay" and sure fine but also driving drunk is so, so bad for reasons that just don't apply to weed
We used to have a joke about this. A drunk driver blasts through a stop sign. A stoned driver stops at the stop sign and waits for it to turn green. Both of these are wrong, but one is more dangerous than the other. Not endorsing either, but they do differ.
Except - hear me out - baseline driving is extremely dangerous, so adding any level of impairment at all to that is definitionally bad (albeit probably not as bad as alcohol).
sure! don't do it! HOWEVER: the biggest problem with alcohol is that people aren't aware of their own impairment, and if anything with weed (weed only; mix with ANY booze and all bets are off) people believe themselves to be more impaired than they actually are
oh god eyes on the road EYES ON THE ROAD
I only drive high. Wouldn't get behind the wheel without something to calm my ass down. I fucking hate driving.
Also I haven't driven a car in IDK 6-8 months maybe.