Movies Silently

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Movies Silently

Silent films and the silent era, same as the birdsite
My watercolor swatches are so tidy and neat, why does fountain pen ink swatching turn me into a chaos monkey?
Lemon Boy Tomato has a very light and soft flavor, less creamy tasting than a Yellow Pear. I think these are probably best on a green salad with a mild cheese like fresh mozzarella so they won’t get lost. 🌱
Old recipes frequently call for a ball of butter the size of a walnut. So, for the purpose of standardization, how many walnuts is a baby panda?
"a newborn panda is about the size of a stick of butter" "a newborn polar bear is about the size of a stick of butter" why are you measuring these baby bears with butter in the first place.
Lemon Boy tomato and an Armenian Cucumber, so that’s tonight’s salad sorted. I pick the cukes when they are 8-12 inches for best texture and flavor. They are so sweet! Haven’t had a Lemon Boy in years, so looking forward to tasting. 🌱
Work stress, so I am bribing myself to carry on. A full pan of expensive genuine Manganese Blue for me, please don’t run out of the office screaming.
This is an important point that is often misunderstood or willfully ignored when discussing BIRTH OF A NATION DW Griffith toned down the rude racism of the Thomas Dixon novel and that is painted as a virtue instead of what it really was: designed to make the propaganda palatable and more dangerous
There's lots of white supremacy embedded in how we do things, so we're familiar with it, so it seems "natural", so it's easier for "polite" white supremacy to be given the benefit of the doubt and be heard/listened to.
On the same topic, the IMDB user who reviewed just enough silent films to seem legit but who reviewed lost films he pretended to see at secret locations. Some have since been rediscovered and his reviews are a lot easier to says out because he got a lot of details wrong.
i don't know how but i'm always stumbling into the most bizarre communities on the planet fully by accident. did you know there are Find A Grave power users who spend thousands of hours making memorial pages for strangers with sketchy information bc they have gamified the entire system
My office closes between Xmas and New Years, so I usually like to have a project. I keep thinking I would like to do a mural on a blank wall. I haven’t tackled one since I was a teen. Easy to say now and I have a lot of prep work to do but I am inclined to do it
In the interest of feline equality, here is ZaSu being round
It is the opinion of Douglas that he deserves a great many cookies
Now that I have an Estonian silent film on my review schedule, it's time to move onto research. The main thing I currently know is that their language is Uralic and they (really) do not know anything about (these) drugs.
The 1913 French comedy BOUT DE ZAN STEALS AN ELEPHANT. You'll never guess what it's about
Silent movies were usually not black and white (“black and white silent movie” is often shorthand for “old”) and were not actually silent, featuring music and even narration. The silent era lasted four decades, so we can’t smoosh it all into one genre. Movies made 1984-2024 are all the same, right?
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
ArtTube is sleazy on the best of days but my recommendations page is awash with shady off brand art supplies that influencers assure me are just amazing. 😒
it's my absolute favorite holiday of the year when the entire U.S. news industry turns itself into a giant blogspam affiliate for a single massive billionaire-owned retailer with absolutely nobody in any position of editorial authority thinking that's in any way unethical or gross
Betty Blythe as the title character of SHE. The novel has been continuously adapted to the screen but the “immortal queen digs bland Englishman” storyline has been a tough row to hoe at the cinema
you see your pets twitching their little limbs in their sleep and say to your partner "look, it is running through a field in its sleep", you are wrong: your pet is in a casino: throwing dice, playing slots and video poker, walking on two legs and betting large on a blackjack table
I have a folder on my computer labeled Goofy Stuff
A special, fancy greenhouse that would contain only dragonfruit climbing cacti, nothing else.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM was a hoary old temperance play but the 1926 adaptation has one ace up its sleeve: stage legend Charles Gilpin gives a sensitive and powerful performance as a father struggling with alcoholism. What an artist!
FINLANDIA (1922) is a documentary about the newly independent Finland, showcasing their landscape, industrial capabilities and recent Olympic triumphs. The film received limited release in the USA targeting the Finnish diaspora.
Poster for the lost silent drama PRINCESS OF THE DARK (1917), starring John Gilbert and Enid Bennett, BOTD in 1893
I have another Danish film review coming up. I don’t know how they keep getting cuter but they do. Silent era Denmark had a per capita cuteness rating off the charts
The downfall of the scrapbooking industry fascinates me. It went from taking up 3/4 of any craft store to one aisle and very few people talk about doing it. I saw a theory that the one-two punch of Facebook and the late ‘00s economic downturn were to blame.
Update: the De Atramentis Cola scented ink darkened slightly in the fountain pen barrel, which I think may be a selling point since it’s more cherry cola straight out of the bottle. Still loving everything about this ink. Super well-behaved and the scent is subtle but on point. 100% recommend.
Working on a thing… Are we aware of any Armenian actors who achieved USA film stardom prior to Arthur Edmund Carewe? And on a side note, what an underrated performer he is. Always understood the assignment and played the line between sinister and kitschy with knowing perfection.
My parents are very difficult to buy presents for but their anniversary is coming up, so I am getting them each some fancy Japanese four-color pens that also have a pencil built in. I think that’s pretty cool. They don’t like expensive gifts, they have everything but they don’t have this!
My Green Bee tomatoes have set fruit. See the little “stinger” at the bottom? They are supposed to be good grilling tomatoes and the flavor will appeal to people who do not like tomatoes normally. I will test these claims thoroughly! I live tomatoes but I know a few non-fans. Mwahaha! 🌱