
It really is something watching the NYT embarrass itself like this
Yes this is real, yes it’s that Bill Maher.
Lots of people call themselves antifa in NY and yet the Times building remains free of graffiti, folks can walk in and out without getting egged, employees' cars don't get flat tires, nobody is projecting a giant picture of AG Sulzberger fellating Trump on the side of the building, etc
OK but the last one, why isn't that happening? Does no one in NYC have a projector?
Gotta send Robin Bell over
I want to stress I'm open to all of the mentioned options, just that DC had someone projecting shit on the Old Post Office Pavilion for years, Shirley someone in NYC could.
I want Bill Maher to be funny but I haven't gotten my wish in 24 years so it's unlikely.
Maher doing an op-ed for the NYT risked a smugness singularity that could have ripped a hole in the space time continuum.
I think we're so far through the looking glass it doesn't even matter.