
Look it's impossible to capture the paper of record's approach and priorities with the placement of only two headl--
Trump's campaign demonstrates that billionaires don't need to run a president who can speak coherently, knows who is in office now, or is even loyal to the US. They just need someone who can catalyze anger generated by previous things billionaires have inflicted on society, & direct it to the left.
I completely believe that a poll that puts Dean Phillips at 12% and has Trump performing equal to Biden among women 46-46 is totally legit and indicative of where the electorate is right now /s
Nathan Hale's last words before being executed by the British: I only regret that I have but one New York Times subscription to cancel.
Ah yes, New York Times
This is top article on front page. "...Mr. Biden’s voice has grown softer and raspier, his hair thinner and whiter... adding to an impression of frailty. Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways." NYT can go fuck itself with a rented dick.
The NYT is so fucking unserious. World is on fire and they’re playing games
The Fourth Estate has been commandeered by billionaire partisan hacks.
As a former journalist, I mourn the state of media
The problem is in the name.
BIDEN WEAK, SMELLY, EWW!! NEVER GONNA BE PRESIDENT trump speaks at packed rally organized by klan
It's all a game to them. The Upper East Side dinner party set will continue to live lives of comfort and ease under a far-right Christofascist administration, all they want are our clicks
They also really don’t want anybody to even suggest that their taxes should be a little higher.
They will abolish taxes in favor of gala fundraisers. You, too, can have your family name on a missile or bomb for a one-time donation!
Dave,I am really trying not to feel so powlerless,discouraged!!
No no no the Times wants you to feel both those things
How dare they!!🤔😂😁 I shall step up my resistance!!
"Maybe next time he won't refuse my demand for an interview about his age".
Oh! Mr. Grayfox! You tease!
Nobody has ever given me an example of what Biden has or hasn’t been able to do because of age. I would really like to ask these voters
The ”worries about Biden’s age” are code words to say they object to a black woman becoming president if he dies. That’s what they mean when they talk about Biden’s age. It’s just cover for racism and misogyny.
The NYT is part of the divide and conquer plutocrat's club that is scooping up all the wealth while Americans are being distracted by circus antics by their GOP Heritage Foundation MAGA soldiers. The longer they can keep the left and right fighting, the longer they have to fleece America.