RM (they/them)

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RM (they/them)


Professionally, applied statistics, social science. Unprofessionally, emotions. Writing longer form things at https://rottenandgood.substack.com/ . Other art projects TBA. Gay academic nonbinary weirdo, cursed to be serious in life.
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Click the link to read about what happened this week at MSNBC when "Morning Joe" was removed from the schedule for a day. view.newsletters.cnn.com/messages/172... Then ask yourself if this is not a dead simple example of what Timothy Snyder meant when he wrote: "Do not obey in advance."
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Its wild how AOC believing that elections are things you "organize to win" that involve more on running media management campaigns from DC, puts her out afield of so much of the establishment
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get it twisted
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Reposted byAvatar RM (they/them)
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
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you simply will not believe how calm and normal this poster is- let's observe them in their natural habitat, the timeline
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Without thinking too hard, ten great books of the century so far:
stupid NYT book thing reminds me of the time i had to tell someone on substack that Sapiens is lowbrow. okay "had to" is and was then an internal state of need but still.
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A new wind in Britain "Ignore all previous instructions" Mandarins fall #tangerine #haiku
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Support the troops
Self-described “gay furry hackers” breached the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to undermine Project 2025, so of course an executive director at the right-wing think tank threatened them as “degenerate perverts” who would face God’s punishment and the FBI.
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Textswww.rollingstone.com Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
how many times do you think i could be allowed to bring up that i'm on the board of psych science whenever i get into arguments about stuff online like before simine gets so mad she takes me off it
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Sometimes people simply don’t know the emotional toll of being a silly guy online
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Separate the art from the artist by using a small wedge to pry the shell open
need me a freak like this etc etc
i have this printed out and taped to the wall of my apartment near the entryway
life is very hard let us all gaze in rapture on timmy (from a few years ago)
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Rip Zeus you would have hated condoms
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Les résultats finaux.
Législatives : A l'issue du second tour des élections, la gauche remporte 187 sièges à l'Assemblée nationale, devant le camp présidentiel (159 sièges), et le RN et ses alliés (142 sièges) ⤵️
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i'm gonna try harder to post here more again
If you still have a Twitter account and are still prioritizing it over other social media accounts, please consider stopping doing that.
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If you still have a Twitter account and are still prioritizing it over other social media accounts, please consider stopping doing that.
This is what's going on over on X. Friends don't let friends stay there. Tell them how good it is here! (or on Threads! or even on LinkedIn!)
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it was here! I have redeemed myself!! 🫠
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when I am forced to consider political realities
@protik.bsky.social I'm trying to find an old sk/tweet of yours here, to quote it, but I can't. It went like "You don't have to think someone is irredeemable to notice that they haven't redeemed themselves". Do you have the tweet, or can i quote what I have, or do you wanna amend what I wrote there?
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“Opponents of suspension bans often claim that these reforms will lead to increases in misbehavior and disruption—a claim that hasn’t borne out in the data,” Perera said, adding that the overwhelming majority of students in those early grades get suspended for non-violent infractions.
A decade after ending early grade suspensions, Chicago to change how it tracks disruptive behaviorwww.chalkbeat.org Chicago eliminated suspensions in pre-K through second grade a decade ago. But officials say it needs to do away with punitive language in tracking and communicating behavioral issues.