
Something I love about this place is that all the shitposters have graduate degrees
See this right here is why we need to fund education more
Some other positive externalities too, but this is the big one
The GRU is out there shitposting away. We must educate our people. We cannot allow a shitposting gap.
GRU is just bachelors' level shitposting. Low grade stuff. Amateurs. Desperately plagiarizing the greatest hits of the PhD shitposters from the great institutions in the West.
GRU: lazily pasting googled memes into twitter to collect a paycheck West: people in white lab coats frantically scrawling shitpost equations on a board; in the next room three people with goggles distil poasts into flasks. Each having worked 25 hours straight now; none on more than a PhD stipend
Avatar stares at an equation with total concentration. The room waits in rapt silence. “I got it!” They race to the board and scrawl a giant equals sign followed by a pair of big naturals.
All, of course, are immigrants.
I'm here a week now waiting for a discourse getting softer. Every minute I stay in this platform, I get weaker, and every minute GRU posts on X, he gets stronger.
Here you have to forge your own discourse out of raw feeds.