
alas these days what amounts to political courage in the US these days is hiring unpaid interns to post pictures of you with laser eyes and label it #based
Joking aside, one of the things Harris-as-candidate can do that Biden-as-candidate cannot is she can take credit for good things the admin does, distance herself from bad or even just unpopular things, and articulate a specific vision of improvement if elected
It’s been really upsetting watching nobody take her seriously as a potential candidate, imo. She wouldn’t be my very first choice, but holy fuck she’s not *worse* than these options
She is in absolutely no way my favorite, but, y'know, life isn't always fair, who gives a shit. If Biden can't put the pedal down, so be it. We can all be cringe and khive our way to not accidentally installing outright fascism in America, lfg
I was able to fake enough "Joe-mentum" in 2020 to vote against Trump, I can probably do the same for the KHive people
She was my first choice 4 years ago. I'd be delighted with her.
The GOP has had four years of preparation for unleashing a Hillary 2.0 on Kamala. An all-new ticket wouldn't give them time enough to generate their conspiracies.
They don't care if their conspiracies are well formed though
They can't be pulled out of a butt.