Strix Brevis

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Strix Brevis

Geek, web developer, feminist, little person, writer (ish), fountain pen fan, quilter. Transmasc; he/they.
Had to use PayPal for my groceries instead of my debit card, presumably because of today's CrowdStrike bedshit, but the University could still process my student account payment! :p
Reposted byAvatar Strix Brevis
If I'm a man when I'm angry then I'm a man when I'm caring and kind. If I'm a man when I annoy you then I'm also a man when I do something you like. And that goes for every other man you know, regardless of transness, disability, race, religion, or sexuality.
"horny single demisexual" is such a bullshit set of character traits, can I re-roll? 😩
I deeply fucking loathe my apartment complex's minimal notice of quarterly inspections -- like, because they're quarterly I know the month it'll happen in, but not the day, until the afternoon or evening before, and never the time. So now that's just disrupting all my plans for tonight & tomorrow.
Had blood drawn for fasting labs this morning. Only two sticks, but in the backs of my hands, so I am grumpy and sore.
"But France--" The US does not have a parliamentary system?? I'm largely not saying anything about the pres election shitshow because I have enough stress in my life without internet arguments. But pointing to a very different electoral system as an example of what we should do...
I access Bluesky via browser only, and I've noticed in the last few days that my "Following" feed is super short? Like, only goes back a few hours then stops, and refresh doesn't extend it any further. Is this a known issue?
I built my first webpage in the fall of 1994! It was the first assignment for the junior-year seminar I was placed in as part of my undergrad degree program. We had an honors thesis/project requirement; junior year each cohort was grouped into seminars around their planned senior projects.
I feel like a bad queer if I don't attend our local Pride events, but it is hot as balls and my 4'-tall ass doesn't do well in crowds. :/
Reposted byAvatar Strix Brevis
Last post about the latest update (maybe) If you've been struggling with the size of the "ALT" indicator on images, you can now make it bigger using this setting, under Accessibility
Avatar My local bookshop's sf/f book club voted to read "Butcher of the Forest" for September! (from a list of options I selected 😃)
Vendor: "Is this part of WordPress?" It''s fucking Javascript! And XML! In a generic code module!! No, it's not fucking "part of WordPress", it's basic web 2.0!! Stop sending me dipshit questions and get me in touch with one of your actual fucking developers!! Jeeeeesus Christ.
One of the podcast networks is running an ad for an AI voiceover company and it is the most soulless-sounding fucking thing. 🤮
I love Tom Hardy but what the fuck is this accent he's using in The Bikeriders? 😂
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset.
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset
Reposted byAvatar Strix Brevis
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
Reposted byAvatar Strix Brevis
For hitting 30k followers on twitter, Bard birthday weekend for Murdos, and winning an #altstarawards, it is time to run a giveaway! To enter Like, and repost this post, and follow us! Winner(s) will be selected on 6/20/24 at 12 pm ET! More rules are below!
Sexually Suggestive
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Left my apartment TWICE today, please clap. (doctor app't & picking up scrip in the morning, then a mini queer film fest in the evening)
Not to contribute to Discourse, but I am...let's say fascinated, to see people describing the game Dredge as "cozy". ????
Reposted byAvatar Strix Brevis
Going to work a PrideFest booth today in rural Arkansas. Reminder that queer people exist everywhere! Yes, even in the South! We deserve to live safely in our own communities. ✌🏻🏳️‍🌈
I've been laid off from all but one of the private sector jobs I've had -- and the exception was my first job out of college, an hourly tech support gig I left to work for Gateway. I've soured a bit on working in higher ed, but being a state employee means I've been here almost 10 years.
Also if you wonder why Americans are stressed, even if I don't get axed this time, the threat of the axe is enough. My last layoff was 2021. The one before that was 2018. They aren't anomalous one-offs. They are the way business is now done. I've never worked at the same place for more than 4 years
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