Claire est limpide

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Claire est limpide

Leftie, dog-loving, Tory-hating wannabe activist. Europhile rejoiner, #FBPPR #FBPE. I love dancing, laughter, creativity, playing with words and notes. Hoping to be ex-X soon.
At last I can switch on radio 4 again. For so many years now I haven't been able to listen without incandescent rage and swearing. That's now over. I heard political news about what the new PM has been doing, working to improve the country. The contrast is at once breathtaking and delicious.
Interesting reviewing the results and seeing Labour wins caused by Tory votes switching to Reform.
Well that didn't go as hoped. Still stuck with useless Tory James Wild on 36% with Labour on 25% and reform 19.5%. The Conservative vote was down 30% of the total, so 10% of voters regained their senses. Still over half the people I meet in the street are stupid/evil/both. That's NW Norfolk for you.
Idle query, if a PM dies before making his honours list does that mean there won't be one or does someone else do it for him?
I just ventured onto X to see what was happening there. A morass of bots and trolls and supposedly pro Reformers. Sickened and depressed, I fled back here. Admittedly we have a few here now but nothing approaching that. Now I must cleanse myself with untransubstantiated red wine.
I am in a state of horrified shock. After having seen Con & Lab neck and neck and thinking we might actually see some sanity here, Survation present this nightmare. I just can't stand the thought of being represented by a fascist or that a third of the people I pass in the street could vote for him
Time we added up all the Tory thefts from our NHS budget
Matt Hancock gave a PPE contract to his sisters company which he owned 20% of. Then denied it when confronted and covered up the evidence. In total he has been personally involved in more than £600,000,000 of PPE fraud. Let’s investigate HIS bank account. #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern
A vampire which glows in the dark is called a Phospheratu.
A vampire that rides is called a Hossferatu
Excellent advice ⬇️
UK general election: With all the nitpicking of the parties, it’s surely time to repeat Adam Hills’ advice of a few weeks ago. Think of your vote as a bus ride not a taxi ride. No party is likely to be your ideal, so vote for the party that takes you closest to your preferred destination.
The share price of the company I work for has inexplicably risen to over £7.00. Just when we have gone into a close period and can't sell. Typical.
So sad. Russia could have used all the money that they spent on helping Donald J Trump making their own citizens' lives better - but they didn't. Because Fascist Dictatorships don't make people's lives better, they make people's lives worse and invade other nations because they like to share pain
Hi everyone, just met a fellow escapee from X - - a great follow, as avidly anti Tory as you could hope to find!
Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks. thought you may want to boost.
Johns Hopkins COVID Long The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is conducting research about the COVID-19 pandemic. Participate in this one-time, 10-15 minute survey.
Sunshine and racemes of wisteria in the little park. Wish they didn't smell so awful!
Avatar I hope you realise that by following me on FB you risk getting bombarded by posts my burlesque friends share and tag me in? Are you sure you are up for this?
QP with something green from your gallery (it isn't easy)
QP something green from your gallery without comment
Very interesting convo with a Belgian about their voting system. Compulsory, on pain of fines and on the third offence potential removal of citizenship benefits for 5 years! All blank or spoiled papers are counted separately and added to the result of the winning party! Best bit, 1/2
I'm on holiday. Do I: a) sit in the sun drinking wine b) lounge around posting on social media c) make a boater out of a pizza box because I want to work our how to fix a functioning sundial on top of it
Just read that Norfolk, safe Tory-voting Norfolk, has ejected the incumbent Giles Orpen-Smellie from the PCC role and elected Labour's Sarah Taylor. I am thrilled!!
I hereby confess, it has been zero days since I visited Twitter. Sometimes a vile cesspit of profane taunting is what I need, okay?