
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
Why does this one guy make a 300M salary? His job is tough he has to run the whole company! So it’s his fault when the company fails? No!
If anything we should give him more money.
How will he replace the yacht that those commie orcas ruined!
By shelving the majority of the shows and movies for write-offs.
I know this is going to be a contentious suggestion. But maybe he could be replaced by an AI (not really…AI is trash…but it would be beautifully ironic)
Alas, his real job is increasing the shareholder value by any means possible. Movies getting made? Not tied to bonus or compensation. Quarterly numbers on a spreadsheet look good? Payday
Don't forget the amazing and talented producers and executives who sit back and provide insight like "more dynamic" and "talk louder"
"Add a giant mechanical spider in the third act!"
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So many people with power insisting that the fault must lie with those without it 😫
Film critic/entertainment journo here. That's honestly usually the right call. You can throw Netflix in there, too.
I find that perfectly acceptable as a motto.
Every major media company has one of him, its not just WBD
I blame the studios that didn't offer them a fair deal in the first place and CAUSED the strike!
Agreed. Remember when the COVID epidemic interrupted the supply chain? It caused prices to dramatically increase on almost everything. The COVID crisis is long over. Prices haven't gone back to normal. It's the old, "blame it on everything except the obvious."
The COVID *pandemic* is ongoing. it never stopped. People are still getting sick, becoming permanently disabled, dying of COVID, dying of sudden heart attack or stroke in previously healthy people months after getting COVID. The only thing that stopped is trying to do anything to stop it.
I should have phrased it better. I should have said the cargo ships backed up at loading and unloading ports. Not the COVID pandemic. The ship crisis part is over.
Shipping crisis isn't over either, carrier rates are increasing, they realized they could make so much money with disruption they are doing it intentionally now... ports are congested again... and we have Houthis blowing up ships in the red sea (I wish them well). The good times are here to stay
You can die from heart attack, stroke, or blood clotting at least a YEAR after having Covid. Even 1 vaccine cuts that % substantially, but no one's even getting vaccinated, anymore, thanks in part to anti-vaxx rhetoric. There's even a distemper epedemic because people aren't vaccinating their pets.
Long COVID is a thing. More studies are turning up long-term, subtle damage to organs, blood vessels, the brain, e.g. This is not to mention the many thousands medically diagnosed as crippled. I just read another study with PET scans showing visible brain changes in COVID survivors.
I already had an autoimmune disease before COVID (Sjogren's) and I've always masked up on public, among other precautions that include excessive isolation. But now I had Long COVID *too* because I had surgery & the hospital didn't put me in isolation for recovery. 🙃
Having Sjogren's really put you at risk for COVID. I had a friend who had Sjogren's. It sucks. Sorry you have long COVID now on top of SJ. Most people just aren't aware of long COVID.
You can both be right LOL, it's okay. Yes, Covid is still very real/the third leading cause of death/horrifically handled. BUT supply chains aren't interrupted, and corporations have more profit than ever - by selling less quantity/quality for more cost. And those prices are NEVER going back down.
Have you ever seen a price or tax go back down? It's like the law of thermodynamics. Absolute and inviolable. Won't happen.
Taxes on the wealthy have gone down in countries that bought the "trickle down" BS Reagan and Thatcher pushed.
Their taxes were the only things 'trickling down'...
For instance, grocery prices are almost 30% more. But grocery stores made BILLIONS of excess profit and gave workers very few concessions, despite being essential workers. Some of the ones with better unions have managed a $2 raise, but it was long after the vaccines/most of their Covid deaths.
The documented rise in profits of some corporations during, and after, the COVID crisis is obscene. Of course Congress is too busy fighting each other over who is more conservative so this goes uninvestigated and unchecked.
I do a mental search & replace: "the strikes" with "the lockout".
I will actually blame the CEOs who tried to literally starve writers into caving.
*throws more termites at Mr. Zaslav*
Carpenter ants would also destroy his wooden head while biting him with their mandibles and pissing formic acid on the lacerations.
I think the strike highlighted that the priorities of the CEO are not always aligned with the actors or writers. There was a sticking point on the use of generatively created acting and writing, and of course the CEOs would be on the side of making more money without having to pay humans so much.
Hoo boy I taste vomit just thinking about watching that
Not to mention the CEOs have no desire to pay writers or actors residuals on "streaming" app reruns, versus the old school "network" reruns. Not sure if it makes a difference now, but if given the choice i always choose the network version on demand versus MAX or Paramount, Tumi, etc.
There is what I think is an Easter Egg in The Fall Guy where the character Colt, the stuntman, goes through the now "routine" process of being 3D scanned but he breaks character with a face that says "Colt wouldn't care about this but Ryan Reynold does"
Definitely blame executives. A lot of the industry is in slowdown right now, people are out of work, and everyone thinks it’s mysterious. It’s not - it’s mismanagement at the top. Wall Street wondered where the profits went, so execs decided to cut everything but their own paychecks
Yep, corporations are almost always at fault when it comes to show delays. With RWBY specifically, Rooster Teeth was poorly managed, had sexual harassment allegations, and was ultimately shut down by Warner Bros. a few months ago. Thankfully, RWBY is now owned by VIZ Media.
The creator and showrunner dying in a car accident didn't help either.
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*allergy Monty Oum had a severe allergic reaction to a simple medical procedure that led him into a coma, ultimately leading to his death.
Maybe it’s because they announce them years in advance to juice stock numbers, and many times without even a script finished. A 6 month strike where much of the industry was still able to work is not at all why shows/movies take 3 years to come out
"We announced the release date of the new IP as soon as we'd acquired it, without consulting the creatives in any way, and now you're telling me that the goal we set to suit our quarterly financial reports isn't creatively attainable..?"
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