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Neurodivergent / lamenting & drawing attention to our dying earth / anti-fascist / ACAB / neolibs can STFU / philosophy / history / science / COVID is airborne / maker of noise & proprietor of book, cat & synthesizer sanctuary / not one of the cool kids
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The Brave Little Guillotine (2025)
What happens to societies when all legitimate, peaceful means of political accountability are rendered impotent?
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Iain Banks had a brilliant way of phrasing it through the "Outside Context Problem" paragraphs in Excession: A concept so far outside of the norms that the norms simply halt, bent so far outside cultural framework as to break.
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One of his picks was because Obama wasn't willing to pull the trigger 9 months before the election. Another was because RBG, who was old as shit and had already had at least one public bout with cancer, wanted to be replaced by Hillary. If the Democrats gave a shit, Trump would have gotten 1 pick.
I get that "liberals" has become the strawman argument over the last 8 years and it's not always wrong but this is a direct result of Trump putting on three Supreme Court justices
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"This was, unfortunately, unavoidable," says the person whose job was to avoid this. This is why everyone is freaking out about the debate performance, btw. We've seen what the Democrat's overconfidence results in. They thought that debate would be a cakewalk and he went out there and shat the bed.
The "You're voting for an administration" pivot is so fucking infuriating... The administration IS the problem - parading a doddering Biden around as figurehead while ghouls like Zeints, Blinken, Donilon & the McKinsey Institute whisper into his ears like a cadre of neoliberal Wormtongues Fuck that
The thing I think most people haven't yet realized is that Project 2025 is already well underway, and even if the Dems do manage to somehow eke out a win in November, there is no one within the party willing or capable of doing what is necessary to stop the momentum. Neoliberalism can not save us
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The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
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“I’m just a simple umpire, calling balls and strikes as I see them, and every now and then rewriting basic rules of the game with no reason”
SCOTUS overrules Chevron, a massive blow to the ability of federal agencies to function. The familiar 6–3, with Roberts writing for the majority
You would think, in the face of a completely unhinged & lawless supreme court, & the increasing threat of overt fascism IN AN ELECTION YEAR, that maybe the "opposition party" could TRY to float an agenda for stopping this train barreling off of a cliff
After carefully weighing the options, and intently studying the issues, I am once again throwing my support behind Giant Meteor.
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What a great time to be trapped in outer space
Is it too late to order an asteroid
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Oh hey tech firms what’s up, I found the miracle solution: throw this unwanted AI shit into the fucking trash where it belongs
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It's increasingly clear that the people who make generative AI don't like films, don't like books, don't like art of any kind, and don't understand why anyone else does.
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The hallucinations should be disqualifying on their own. But the staggering exploitation of water, energy, and creative labor is something I am begging my friends in academia to foreground in their conversations about AI. Let’s get specific about what we are doing, why, and at what cost.
Use generative "AI" to spitball, hypothesize, overcome the tyranny of the blank page? I mean if the environmental costs weren't astronomical & the training corpra weren't largely stolen, then yeah, sure. Use it for facts? Knowledge? To fully *Replace* thought, feeling, & creativity? Absolutely not.
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…if large languange models are conscious, then they're like a depressed, nihilistic toddler raised on a steady diet of 8chan, bad wikipedia edits, and youtube autoplay rabbit holes: a mind with no motivation or desire, without the ability to either discern or care abourt consensus reality or truth.
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To recap, some entities with a vested interest in AI: -Fossil fuel companies, which need new wasteful tech to offset avoid being rendered obsolete by solar -GPU manufacturers, which need something to replace crypto to keep prices artificially high -Data centers, ditto
Another important interest behind the push for AI is data brokers. The entire modern internet is funded by scraping and selling your personal data, but as ad sales collapse, that data threatens to become worthless. They urgently need a buyer with a bottomless need for new data.
This is seriously one of the funniest responses of all time. 😂 Even better than "enjoy the camps"
This: 100%
It feels like we live in a time where pretty much all the software we interact with reached its peak at some point in the past and nothing is being improved, and we're all just hoping not to lose the things we now depend on and have given up hope on anything being improved.
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once a year we should round up the 100 richest people and ceremonially beat them to death with sticks
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It steals the creative output of the entire internet and digests it into soft babyshit that its advocates insist is not only technically still edible but comes in a variety of exciting flavors.
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remind me, when companies create an actual revolutionary technology that is going to change the world, do they usually have to beg users to adopt it, give it away for free for years, and at last resort force it on people with no way to disable it? Is that usually how revolutionary tech works?
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"What Chiefs kicker and expert sociologist Harrison Butker is saying is something very important to understand. In order to feel truly free, it's not enough for Harrison Butker and his fellow creepy religious bigots to live in the way they as Christians see fit for themselves....
"When Nazis are on the fringe, you have to really work to be a Nazi...but once Nazis are in the state capitols and the national government and the high courts, all you need to do in order to be a Nazi is just be willing to go along..." -- A. R. Moxon
Lying To What you want to protect is already gone. The ends don't justify the means, but they do define them. Tips on living in a fascist nation in a time of rising fascist power.
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Stolen from a colleague…
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Obviously it's too difficult to get rid of them but maybe there could be dog runs for cops where cities could just let them kind of waddle and scowl and do their awkward gang-takedowns on each other until they're tuckered out.
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when a picture says a thousand words
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One has to question why the current Democratic president refuses to do anything about a corrupt SCOTUS or sitting senators threatening his constituents