Angela Cassidy

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Angela Cassidy

science, society + policy; humans - animals - environments; #STS #HistSTM #scipol #scicomm
@ange_cass on BirdApp; @ange_cass_pics on Instagram
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Today's hidden gem: Yayoi is a Japanese artist who works in watercolours, painting a variety of subjects from real life. #art 🐡🦑
Jellyfish #watercolor #art
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Hive #HistSTM mind = I'm teaching a graduate-level readings seminar (10 week) course next AY; it's a survey of the history of technology. The theme to make it manageable is "Networks and Infrastructure." Any suggestions for books beyond the sample shown here?
Europeans, waking up this morning..
I love how our political discourse took a look at the David-Cameron-on-a-pig story, stared into the middle distance, spat once, and said, “I can beat that.”
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We've all heard about the problems with our streams, rivers and lakes here in the UK, and I often get asked what we can do personally to help. Here's something that sounds promising: a big citizen science project to measure local water quality that we can all join in with:
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ChatGPT can’t summarise documents. It shortens them, misses key conclusions, adds errors, makes stuff up, and ignores actual summary sections. Use it to summarise important texts like meeting discussions at your peril.
When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the One of the use cases I thought was reasonable to expect from ChatGPT and Friends (LLMs) was summarising. It turns out I was wrong. What ChatGPT isn't summarising at all, it only looks like it. What it...
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Reposted byAvatar Angela Cassidy
Trump would be down on his cluck with the giant chicken of doom pursuing him. Wonder if a lettuce can last 106 days?
If it was the UK, someone would now be following Trump around to every campaign stop dressed in a chicken suit.
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President Venn Diagram
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Biden clearly just managed a coordinated exit from power. Biden is good at politics and hasn't lost his understanding of how things work. I would imagine that its aging that made his speech impediment worse and lost the stamina to be POTUS and campaign.
Main thing that I found annoying about Twitter consensus is that it immediately went to “Biden senile/braindead” as opposed to the much more sensible “he has a speech issue that’s gotten much worse recently”
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This was fascinating and something I knew absolutely nothing about.
"In the summer of 1942, as German troops encircled the Russian city of Stalingrad, Nazi commanders began to receive bizarre reports of dead bodies disappearing from German field hospitals..." Fascinating extract from Tom Ireland's book The Good Virus
Book Club: The viruses that helped win the Battle of An extract from Tom Ireland’s The Good Virus: The Mysterious Microbes that Rule Our World, Shape Our Health and Can Save Our Future.
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How does that #sound (in a #museum)? Please join us in Hamburg in December 2024 for a conference on how sound is used, produced, exhibited, explored & experienced in museums. The event is part of & organized by the German Port Museum & the German Maritime Museum & partners.
CFP: Exhibting the Sound of History: Practice and Theory of Acoustic Historical Research and Communication Hamburg, 09.12.2024-10.12.2024, Deutsches Hafenmuseum; Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum;Deutsches Museum; Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien; …
Exhibting the Sound of History: Practice and Theory of Acoustic Historical Research and
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Good morning #easst4s2024 people. Sounding a TRIPLE #jobklaxon for #STS #scipol #hps adjacent research jobs here at Exeter! Deadline dates unfortunately tight, so please spread the word ASAP if you know someone who might be interested. Will thread job ads below..
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Americans are like: "Oh no we have no time only 100 days until the election." That's 2.5 times as long as Liz Truss was Prime Minister over here.
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Please enjoy these extracts from the official Council road and lighting team 2006 pin-up calender I came across while sorting uncatalogued items in the archive. 📜
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Reposted byAvatar Angela Cassidy
'Anne Longfield, the former children’s commissioner whose Centre for Young Lives has been working with the Labour education team, said: “Looking at the data and talking to young people it is clear that a large group of kids have been made to feel school isn’t for them and that has to change.'
English schools to phase out ‘cruel’ behaviour rules as Labour plans major education Policy will move to keeping vulnerable pupils in school as focus shifts to root causes of exclusions
Our RENEWing Biodiversity Library team had a blast at #EASST4S2024. So many great conversations + input into WiP (sharing env/ag stories of collaboration; thinking together across #oralhistory #sts #histstm). Thanks to organisers+hosts for a fabulous conference!
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Reposted byAvatar Angela Cassidy
Thanks everyone for liking and reposting. Please continue. 😁 #sound #museum P.S.: We got funding, so travel & accommodation will be covered for speakers.
How does that #sound (in a #museum)? Please join us in Hamburg in December 2024 for a conference on how sound is used, produced, exhibited, explored & experienced in museums. The event is part of & organized by the German Port Museum & the German Maritime Museum & partners.
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It's cool that the UK now has an onshore wind taskforce, but extremely uncool that it doesn't have any public engagement people on it. Getting engagement right can make or break projects.
UK announces Onshore Wind Taskforce - Energy Live The Energy Secretary has announced a new taskforce to double the UK's onshore wind capacity by 2030
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Reposted byAvatar Angela Cassidy
douglas adams knew that relentlessly cheery doors would be among the most obnoxious things in the universe, but he didn't even imagine doors that would require US to perform the artificial happiness before they do their job
This is being presented as 'feelgood' and charming, when it is actually the most dystopian thing I've seen in quite some time. And that's a high bar to clear.
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Reposted byAvatar Angela Cassidy
Reposted byAvatar Angela Cassidy
Good morning #easst4s2024 people. Sounding a TRIPLE #jobklaxon for #STS #scipol #hps adjacent research jobs here at Exeter! Deadline dates unfortunately tight, so please spread the word ASAP if you know someone who might be interested. Will thread job ads below..
Blown away by glorious #easst4s2024 Forest Festival (conference dinner!!) under a glorious pink moon! Unbelievably good to reconnect with #sts friends once again.❤️