
putting aside the whole debate about the ticket, my grandmother had dementia. he doesn’t have dementia
I don’t work with specifically geriatric populations and I don’t specifically have dementia expertise, though I work with a bunch of older people I don’t see evidence for dementia. I just don’t.
like sorry but people who say that just don’t know what they’re talking about
I keep saying this but i think its clearly him not being able to cover up his stutter the way he used to (due to not being as sharp, which is aging not dementia)
Biden v Trump is a pretty direct ageism thing. Trump is aging worse than Biden, but due to vanity and aging in different ways Trump codes as less old and therefore gets way less shit for it.
Trump is aging like a stereotypical American -- watching too much TV and getting more and more angry about it, while Biden is busy working at the hardest job that there is. I'd like to see more reporting on the President's punishing schedule and how good a job this 81-year old is doing at it.
Trump is seen as more vital because he can spew lies for hours on end? WTF people.
but also he has bright white veneers, wears spray tan, and dies his hair blonde!
Trumps voters don’t care. They do not hold him to any kind of standard whatsoever. Like, you can wring your hands about how unfair that is but, it doesn’t change anything.
Same thing with “wow they should be calling on TRUMP to step down” and it’s like, why? He’s not going to, republicans don’t want him to, so who cares?
that has the same energy as people who were going “why didn’t anybody call for kennedy to step down???” during rbg discourse. like, “because they’re republicans and thus scum”
right - he’s just objectively really old! and he looks and sounds it! not everything with old folks is dementia
His physical movements remind me of my dad, who is 100% mentally fine but has sometimes severe tremor and pain due to a spinal issue. (And we already know Biden has a nerve-related issue with his gait)
Yeah - it seems like fatigue hits him harder as he's getting older, and the rest is downstream of that.