
I don’t work with specifically geriatric populations and I don’t specifically have dementia expertise, though I work with a bunch of older people I don’t see evidence for dementia. I just don’t.
I'm not a Biden Stan so I say this completely without agenda: I agree he definitely doesn't have dementia. I was a CNA for 8 years and I've seen dementia. People saying that need to go volunteer for an elder care facility. He's just showing signs of his age because he's old.
I did for Feinstein, a whole whole lot, which is what made it tough to discuss
“geriatric” is actually a clinical word fyi. It has a terrible sort of connotation now which sucks
Said this yesterday, but I see a lot of people drawing conclusions solely based on Biden's issues with communication. People can struggle with communication and still be perfectly fine cognitively! I get why people are concerned but I guess I don't see as much evidence for concern as others.
I see this as an ableist/ageist framing. This is not a knock necessarily on people who think this as plenty of folks I agree with here have said this, but there's absolutely an unconscious bias at play. We are getting a portion of Biden but we're not in the room with him making decisions.
Obviously I'm not qualified to say anything definitive, but I have experience working with residents and patients from when it onsets, which is heartbreaking, and later later which are both very different from what we see publicly from Biden.
I don’t consider myself qualified to say anything definitive about geriatric populations either
He doesn’t have to so I don’t worry about things that aren’t going to happen
Complete dodge of the question lol. He looks and sounds terrible, his own advisors say he is sundowning, and there are nothing but bad options. If you are just saying this now, that's fine, cope all you want. If you were saying this during the primary, this is your fault. We fucking warned you
I’m also a clinician fyi. Anyway, you don’t care about truth. You care about lies.
Literal brain doctor with thoughts about Trump and Biden