
A big thing here is that Biden talks about these things all the time. At some point you have to admit that a lot of supposed politics knowers aren't very aware of what POTUS does and says on a day-to-basis
It's always fun to cite, for example, a speech made to union workers in April & then have the person demand to know why he hasn't talked about it since April. Like, he's not the Poster In Chief, & if he was he'd still piss you off, so wtf do you think you're accomplishing.
people on These Websites really want a poster-in-chief and I think one of the problems is that conservatives got their wish.
I think that's exactly right. It's 'he's not talking about it' > 'well he's not talking about it enough/the right way' > 'he's not dealing with my cherrypicked pet issue in the way I want' and so on. If one attack doesn't work another will be found.
"If Biden really cares about trying to win the general election, then why isn't he turning to the camera and explaining that he's exactly the same kind of communist as me? Checkmate liberal."
Right, it's the 'political leaders should spend their time acting as an avatar for my discontents' model.