
A big thing here is that Biden talks about these things all the time. At some point you have to admit that a lot of supposed politics knowers aren't very aware of what POTUS does and says on a day-to-basis
This isn't not liking those statements, some of which I think could be fairly argued to be tooled more towards older voters! This is not fucking knowing what the president is saying while dispensing advice about what he should say
I absolutely agree that Biden is talking about his plans and accomplishments - i don't even follow the campaign accounts and i see it all the time -- but i must say the official campaign website is a joke and has not a single policy goal or accomplishment listed which is bad.
Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!
I do wish we didnt have to wait for the convention to get a platform.
But the again, since we arent an authoritarian party we cant do what the Rs did and just say, "its whatever he says it is" so we have to talk about it.
I got a mailer from the Biden Campaign, which I'm sure wasn't cheap to send, and all it talked about was defeating Trump and bad things Trump will do if elected. It is not acceptable to not say what you'll do instead! It's pathetic.
These themes plus abortion has been, like, every post on every social media site the Biden team has a presence on for the last six months.
"I respect the Constitutional right to privacy that underpinned Roe for half a century. That's why I, Joe Biden, have broken into your house to tell you about my stance on abortion."
"Please send $50 right now to make me go away for 30 seconds."
democrats should do *thing which democrats have been doing* is a really common theme on here
'i am paying no attention whatsoever to this administration, this is why it sucks: it's doing what i want but i don't know about it so that's their fault' - WAY too many people on here lol
Yup. I’m not even American, and I’ve repeatedly seen posts from the Biden team on this stuff.
It's always fun to cite, for example, a speech made to union workers in April & then have the person demand to know why he hasn't talked about it since April. Like, he's not the Poster In Chief, & if he was he'd still piss you off, so wtf do you think you're accomplishing.
people on These Websites really want a poster-in-chief and I think one of the problems is that conservatives got their wish.
I think that's exactly right. It's 'he's not talking about it' > 'well he's not talking about it enough/the right way' > 'he's not dealing with my cherrypicked pet issue in the way I want' and so on. If one attack doesn't work another will be found.
"If Biden really cares about trying to win the general election, then why isn't he turning to the camera and explaining that he's exactly the same kind of communist as me? Checkmate liberal."
Right, it's the 'political leaders should spend their time acting as an avatar for my discontents' model.
Yet another to add to the list: "I don't listen to/read anything the President says" is not the same as "the President doesn't talk about my issues"
"I couldn't be arsed to read/watch all that boring stuff" is NOT THE SAME as "nobody ever covered this until John Oliver". Much the same as "I wasn't paying attention" isn't the same as "they never taught me this in school".
It actually depresses me we're seeing a small but loud cohort of lefties whose media environment is as bad as a Fox News conservative.
And they did it to themselves.
As someone who is guilty of this, people thinking being on the social medias is the same as doing politics more than that is the case
Very few people really bother to dig into the details of policy which is why Trump can get away with promising all kinds of outlandish bullshit without most people asking how he'd actually do it.
The kind of political comment wishing that politicians spoke about a certain issue is just wishing that speaking about it mattered.
Or they do know, and/or they don't care. You don't get clout On Here by saying the establishment is doing good things.
Not only that, one of his signature bills addressed all these topics, some of them quite well. I’m contrasting that with Trump talking about Washington not owning slaves (?) and it really makes me feel like Trump has his finger on the pulse of American youth.
I told my son that boys get hit in the face more with balls than girls do because they play more sports and he thought that was a very rude thing of me to say. And he’s six.
I guess being as uninformed as portions of voting populace you’re commenting about is a type of insight.
They’re treating him like Trump, when he’s not anything like Trump. Those four years of constant Trump admin craziness created a model for headlines, that only works for one person. But because it made money these news media are still trying use it.
First of all, Biden is a huge bullshitter. Less of one than Trump of course (so is almost everybody), but people naturally ignore what he says. Second, political reporters are worthless. Third, Biden hides things he should be proud of and flaunts things he should be ashamed of. Inept.
Let me grant all this, though that's a *huge* concession to a bunch of stuff that's not true The screenshot is still false, and you don't really dispute it
I don't dispute your claim. But it is the job of a political leader to not simply 'talk about stuff' but to *communicate*; to use the press, & to gain+maintain trust. Biden is bad at all of that. The political press also sucks, but u can't blame it all on them.
I'd also point out that young people hate Biden's I/P policy and hate that he lies constantly about it; and that he apparently does not care what his own base or anyone else thinks about it. It's hard to listen in the face of that.
Biden has delivered on just about everything he said he would deliver on and more. "Yeah he says all this stuff and actually demonstrates it in action, but what if he didn't?" isn't really an argument that anyone should take seriously.
I seriously wonder if it's a matter of having a wide-ranging platform. Trump was able to use Twitter to great effect, but that's not really there anymore, and I can't speak to Biden's TikTok presence. But also, he's not making himself that present in general.
I want to hear from the campaign less, tbh
💯 % CORRECT: "At some point you have to admit that a lot of supposed politics knowers aren't very aware of what POTUS does and says on a day-to-basis"