
Remember when the sad internet boys wanted to yassify Aloy
look you cannot have a female heroine if the male audience cannot pop a boner. you just dont' do that. you dont understand how important that boner is
Look I'm willing to allow that as a requirement if their boners were far less tuned to a very very specific type of borderline non-existent human
the entire 'man jaw' thing has me thinking that the standards of beauty these people tend to pull from are much more... 2d in nature
As someone who primarily prefers illustrations I'm not keen to throw stones there except that maybe they should have some self awareness that if they ever want to get laid they're going to need to touch grass
Like the furry fandom is full of art with unrealistic highly sexualized bodies but I don't think I've ever heard these types of complaints from anyone I know.
oh i just mean that they try to transpose the standards of their preferred medium into real life which, well, rather unrealistic? nobody's got a chin that comes to a point you could murder somebody with if you apply enough force
whenever these complaints come up i get reminded of this "anti woke curator" account i found on steam that said jesse faden from Control is ugly because she's realistic
She looks hot as shit from the pictures I'm seeing
its a fun game if you haven't played it, super cool as shit and yes, i genuinely could not wrap my tiny male brain around that
Beauty standards are so weird for our brains what with the media these days, so I just think "what if I saw this person at the grocery store."
these incels would clam up and sweat thier weight's worth if they were forced to interact with a woman that looks like Jesse Faden IRL.