Ezri K (they/them)

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Ezri K (they/them)


Student, cat-enthusiast, agender, grower of tomatoes, baker of bread. Lives with my boyfriend and our two cats.
Tag yourself I’m “mummers”
No one: Absolutely no one: 19th century author: “He had the nose of an Egyptian, the cheekbones of a Fin. His toes were shapely like an Andalusian’s; his left elbow was that of a Spaniard while his right was that of a Maltese. His long, wiry fingers could be mistaken for those of a Cossack, his
remake a movie with Shrek and make it better Star Shrek: First Contact
Your honor, with all due respect, I’m the dog that ate your birthday cake.
your honour, with all due respect, someone left a cake out in the rain
Your honor, with all due respect, there's doctors and lawyers and business executives and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same
Your honor, with all due respect, I drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.
At this rate there will be 24 yellow cards this game
Fredagsselfie denne gangen er meg uten skjegg for første gang på ganske lenge
First off, massive CW on this link, it makes for incredibly depressing reading but Jo Maugham has done a fantastic thread For all the talk of the Cass Review leading to an inquiry, this is the real story, heads should roll after this, these people should be hounded out of the public sphere forever
Thread by @JolyonMaugham on Thread Reader Appthreadreaderapp.com @JolyonMaugham: I have now seen further evidence that, since the Bell decision in the High Court (1 December 2020), there has been a huge increase in deaths of young trans people on the NHS waiting li...
Jeg har tid og anledning til å bake noe hver eneste dag for tiden og det er så gøy!
Verden er tragisk som faen for tiden, kan vi ikke starte en "fine ting som gjør meg glad om dagene"-tråd? Jeg kan begynne: Venninnen min ble kjempeglad for å få lov til å lage regnbuekake til bursdagsfesten min til helgen 🤩
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
da skeive ble skutt og drept, reagerte samfunnet ved å gi transfober *mer* spalteplass og debattid, og piske opp en svertekampanje mot Benestad. og nå skal vi liksom være overrasket over at resultatet er mer radikalisering og økt hatkriminalitet mot nettopp skeive? www.nrk.no/stor-oslo/fl...
Everyone needs a picture of J. G. Hertzler (Martok) holding a gay bat'leth on their timeline today. Glory to you, and your chosen family!
Nearby me there’s an evangelical church where the second floor windows are nailed shut from the outside. It sends shivers down my spine every time I go past there.
Dette er veldig veldig bra!! Regjeringen Støre har bestemt at Norge anerkjenner Palestina som selvstendig stat fra 28. mai 2024, med de grensene mellom Israel og Palestina som gjaldt før 4. juni 1967, altså demarkasjonene fra våpenhvileavtalen fra 1949. www.tv2.no/nyheter/inne...
Norge anerkjenner Palestina som statwww.tv2.no En palestinsk stat er en forutsetning for fred i Midtøsten, ifølge statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre.
Breaking News:
Jeg burde egentlig lage profil for katten min og linke i profilen min her sånn at jeg kan si «pusi i bio»
In the Roman Empire great achievements were rewarded with a headdress that smells really good and I think we should go back to that
I have a joke about the fall of Troy that I’ve rewritten and rewritten and rewritten for what feels like 3000 years
i've been workshopping a joke about Zeno's arrow but i never quite manage to get it there
Ok story time: i går var jeg på fest hos en kollega og traff verdens mest irriterende fyr. Han satte seg ned ved bordet det jeg satt og hadde en veldig hyggelig samtale med ei dame og begynte å blande seg inn i samtalen. Det var fest så vi lot ham. Men så bestemte han seg for å lage kvalm. 1/?
Since writing this article, I have received messages from angry men, calling me names, telling I’m wrong, & that I’d be begging a man to save me if I was lost in the woods. To recap, there are men are sending me abusive emails to prove they are the safe choice. So far, no bears have written in.
“We later found out that Hamas had offered on Oct 9 or 10 to release all the civilian hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering the Strip, but the govt rejected the offer...." "Bibi knows that the moment the hostages are released, Smotrich & Ben Gvir will leave the govt.” AS WE'VE BEEN SAYING.
‘No doubt’ Netanyahu preventing hostage deal, charges ex-spokesman of Families Forumwww.timesofisrael.com Haim Rubinstein claims Israel rejected early Hamas offer to free all civilians if IDF didn't enter Gaza, lays out PM's alleged political meddling that led him to quit last month
Det er mulig jeg har skrevet en omstendig instagrampost med tilhørende emneknagg som motsvar til det norske temaet for verdensdagen for psykisk helse 2024. Jeg veit ikke helt hvordan sånt funker her, men jeg blir ihvertfall glad om dere deler. 🧡 #8minutterholderikke #verdensdagenforpsykiskhelse
I've invented a new cognitive bias called unmotivated reasoning and it's about accepting whatever logic ends the conversation the quickest