
Rafah was just two months ago home to 1,400,000 people and now it is home to a mere 65,000. More than half of all the buildings in Rafah are gone. The corridors near Egypt have been burnt to the ground. This all clearly violates Biden's so-called "red line" but no action has been taken at all.
The battle for Rafah, in its seventh week as Israeli forces push westward, has left a trail of
The red line was not real nor was it ever real.
I know this might be asking too much, but I genuinely believe that Biden should be hounded with questions about this at every public appearance until he is forced to admit he never intended to enforce the red line.
Yup, it was not. The cynic in me is convinced the “red line” was just a set of atrocities even the Biden people figured Israel would never do, so they could say “well, they haven’t crossed any red lines.”
No. It wasn't. It was at best a demand that Israel move the people out of Rafah before it enters and that it operate there in different parameters (which it did).
Israel didn't move people out of Rafah, theyve killed countless innocent people there
Excuse me, "It was unclear who was responsible for most of the destruction at the [Rafah] crossing."
look, it was either the Israeli military or gremlins
Passive voice doing a lot of heavy lifting here.
Just the idea that it's a mystery is making me nuts. Every day there's a new massacre from the sky! It's the IDF and the IAF! We also know because their soldiers are constantly making movies of themselves imploding entire universities etc. Not much room to both sides this!
That the NYT calls this a battle, is as absurd as the genocide itself, and a form of genocide denial. Then again, that has been this rag’s MO throughout,and well before, October.
Commentator on French TV today had the greatest line: "America needs to stop painting red lines. They had red lines in Syria, and still the regime that murdered and gassed its own people face no consequences. America's red line is a red herring."
The Russian invasion of Crimea as well. Should have nipped it in the bud when we had the chance.
the NYT up to their usual horseshit propaganda tricks
80 years ago the US turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, though the full extent of the horror was initially largely hidden. Now we arm and enable a genocide that is in plain sight.
He took action, it was to give Israel more weapons.
So, the IDF destroyed all the infrastructure at the crossing, right? I never heard about actual fighting there, so I assume IDF troops just burned and bulldozed everything after they took over. Did they do it just for fun? As part of a strategy? Am I missing something?
yeah, the strategy is what it's always been: wipe everybody out and prevent any survivors returning
Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the crossing intact, though? That's the only way anyone can leave Gaza.
they clearly intend to kill everyone on both sides of the crossing
That makes no sense. The other side of the crossing is Egypt, a country that Israel has a longstanding peace treaty with, and whose allegiance is crucial to Israel.
let israel take what they want right now and egypt is their next target, they would create false information to justify invading them
It has been 30 days since ridiculous ICJ ordered Israel to immediately halt military operations in Rafah. The „highest“ court in the world, which for 30 days and counting doesn’t give a shit about its own orders!!