
I only like Kamala ironically and i'm still unironically offended on her behalf by the talk of throwing it to an open convention like...she has been Dems' #2 for four years now! she has way more small-d democratic legitimacy than someone chosen at the last minute by a contested convention lol
And funnily enough I like her unironically but am fine with the idea of an open convention.
on a practical level I also fear a stupid result like Newsom
It is practically built for someone like Newsom who plays for that crowd and would, IMO, absolutely sink like a stone in front of the wider electorate.
so uh...california isn't necessarily a small electorate.
well, in 2022 he objectively performed like shit there and very arguably cost Dems the House in doing so
Yeah, like, Kathy Hochul's state is pretty big, too. No one's asking her to run for president.
Harris's most commonly cited bad performance (2010) was 1) not top of the ticket and 2) in a year where almost every Democrat did atrociously nationwide, neither of which is true of Newsom's 2022 showing
i am just being pedantic in that larger states shouldn't be excluded from being part of a wider electorate
fair.. .i just figure we shoudn't act like he hasn't faced a wider electorate