
I only like Kamala ironically and i'm still unironically offended on her behalf by the talk of throwing it to an open convention like...she has been Dems' #2 for four years now! she has way more small-d democratic legitimacy than someone chosen at the last minute by a contested convention lol
I think we need to take this as a real possibility after the NBC piece in which multiple anonymous congressional Dems directly questioned Biden's fitness for office
nah. just block the pundits and vote for Biden. shit block anyone who tells you not to vote for Biden. they're feeding you horseshit
And funnily enough I like her unironically but am fine with the idea of an open convention.
on a practical level I also fear a stupid result like Newsom
It is practically built for someone like Newsom who plays for that crowd and would, IMO, absolutely sink like a stone in front of the wider electorate.
so uh...california isn't necessarily a small electorate.
well, in 2022 he objectively performed like shit there and very arguably cost Dems the House in doing so
Yeah, like, Kathy Hochul's state is pretty big, too. No one's asking her to run for president.
fair.. .i just figure we shoudn't act like he hasn't faced a wider electorate
Yeah the idea that nominating Harris if Biden drops out is "undemocratic" is absurd lol
I feel like the people talking about an open convention are trying to turn me khive
It’s all based on what would be the most funny outcome like she got tis job cause Biden made a random statement despite running a weird campaign and no one liking her
a convention just isn't democratic. i mean. i guess it kind of is since we voted for those electors? but we voted for them as proxies for the candidates we voted for. we chose Biden/Harris, so it should be Biden and/or Harris.
(not arguing with you, btw, just giving my feelings lol)
Harris was elected VP because Biden picked her. She received zero votes in the 2020 primaries. Anointing her is no more democratic than having the representatives of registered democrats thru out the country (convention delegates) vote among a set of candidates selected by the national committee