Cortana the Arctic Fox Taur 🦊❄️

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Cortana the Arctic Fox Taur 🦊❄️

Your nonsensical chakat/liquid shifter and retro goodness!
Avatar I am curious if as far as the andorozons is concerned, could humans transfer their consciousness and become like them? That and another thing has been floating around in my head. Was curious if that was such a thing in the world.
Avatar just to let you know this is me from Tweeter in case ya wanted to follow back here :3
Avatar your style of full face fur masks are absolutely delightful! :) I have been looking for something like this for a while ago and glad creators such as yourself exist to bring more art style :) keep up the hard work.
And if you unfollow or block me over this, GOOD RIDDANCE! Let’s clean house! No pedos & zoophiles! No bigots! No genocide supporters! No fascists! No godsdamned plagiarism AI, NFTs, or crypto! No science deniers! Ace, Bi, Pan, M-Spec, Nonbinary, It/Its, & Neopronouns are all valid & welcome! 🏳️‍🌈✊✨
To the folks saying loli/shota/cub enjoyment is part of being Queer or Ace spectrum. 1. Fuck off! 2. You’re equating attraction to kids (yes, even fictional!) to Queerness, which hurts the community & gets us killed! 3. You’re normalizing CSA. 4. Kids can’t fucking consent. 5. SERIOUSLY, FUCK OFF!
An update on my last post; my partner's abusive family kicked me out for having an anxiety attack. I'm now homeless. I have my essentials and some help getting a hotel room but I'm not sure what's going to happen from here.
Good morning, Bluesky Buddies! Be sure to always, ALWAYS challenge your negative self-talk and thoughts. You should be your greatest cheerleader, not your worst enemy. 😄
Avatar bought a book from an antique book store with understanding minerals in their rough and polished state. Will be very helpful for rockhounding we hope.
To any other artists out there that may receive a commission from this person (Trulybrave), be aware that they stole someone's character and are possibly stealing other characters, be cautious and confirm who the character belongs to.
I've might have made a mistake dears, the person who actually stole my Fursona is Trulybrave on FA. So please again with Caution.
Avatar the first image was from the beach again and the next other pictures are from the mojave desert. Some purplish and green rocks and stones we have collected. Will have to show more later. Visited Gem Hill
Avatar so you are a fellow arctic fox? :3 looks like a lovely character
I apparently am now an arctic fox taur. Why does it feel nice to be in this form? Could it be that change can be could or it feels more befitting to be foxy?
Sayonara, Toriyama-sensei. The wondrous impact you had on my life will echo on until the last of my days. Arigato gozaimasu, for everything.
Don't let this pass. Call your representatives.
After months of negotiations, senators announced Thursday that a sprawling bill to expand protections for children online had secured more than 60 backers, clearing a path to passage for what would be the most significant congressional attempt in decades to regulate tech companies.
Senate poised to pass biggest piece of tech regulation in With more than 60 backers, an updated Kids Online Safety Act finally has a path to passage in the Senate but faces uncertainty in the House.
So I had a tire blowout the other day and when I went to put the spare on, two bolts broke off in the lug nuts. Estimate to fix is about $450 and I need a new tire on top of that. If anyone can help, here's how Cashapp - $Duskwatcher Venmo - Dusk-Aiello-1
POV you're at the Willy Wonka Chocolate Experience
remember that plant you insisted on calling an egg? this is her now
Made peanut butter cookies with peanut butter cups on them! But, disaster struck moving to a cooling rack.
Did some other site's owner try to monetize the Holocaust and you finally GTFO? Are you feeling a bit lost in this new website? Here are some tips for you. Share widely for all the newcomers.
. illuminates the mysteries of fursuiting (The act of dressing up in those anthropomorphic, cartoon-y mascot costumes) in this comic from our archive! Just HOW are they made? WHY do people do it? Is it a... SEX THING? (1/2)
Dont diss the ears, she's very sensitive about them