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This is how you do it.
Worth noting the EPA's brief correctly uses "nitrogen oxide" 7 times, and the EPA submitted a declaration from an official who used it twice. But nobody involved in the majority opinion, Justices and clerks, bothered to take the EPA's brief seriously, and so none of them noticed the error.
Still marveling at Gorsuch's Ohio v. EPA opinion, in which he confused nitrogen oxide (a pollutant) with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). He did this five times, never once getting it right—in an opinion overruling the EPA's own expert scientific analysis! s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24...
very hard to figure out what this use of DEI could mean other than the n word
Subtle. Very subtle.
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
school kids bunkered in a classroom around the nation hearing rapid fire shots in the corridor will be very happy to know that well akshually /technically/ it's an altered semiautomatic rifle with a plastic mechanism designed to allow rapid re-engagement of the trigger mechanism and not a machinegun
End of feed.