DM Campbell

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DM Campbell

Prof, WSU Pullman; author of Bitter Tastes: Literary Naturalism & Early Cinema in Am Women’s Writing; editing Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth for Complete Works of Edith Wharton (Oxford UP)
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JUST POSTED: 🎵 New ways to search archived music news with Internet Archive's Wayback Machine: #MTVNews
New Ways to Search Archived Music News | Internet Archive
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For some Supreme Court decisions of major social import, I can tell if they're good-ish/bad-ish. For decisions on reproductive rights? Never. It takes subject matter experts to follow the historical twists and turns, constellation of cases nationally, and their import. NYT should talk to some.
The Supreme Court let the Idaho law take effect in January, you rube. The court later saying 'nevermind' and letting the law be blocked again doesn’t mean they expanded access, you absolute simpleton
Just another day in the New York Times’s pretense of nonpartisan journalism.
In which the New York Times' top Supreme Court reporter says the court "enhanced the availability of abortion" this term
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For 10/7, Politics vertical has 4 stories on Biden, all on stay/go. They run 1 on Trump directly on his VP search setting up candidates for '28. 2 other related stories: JD Vance urging Trump to prosecute Biden, and Rubio loving Trump's immunity. This is journalistic malpractice. 1/
Enough is enough. After 20 years of supporting you, , you no longer report the news but try to shape it against democracy, and I. am. done.
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Happy summer! Liverpool is hosting a sale to get up to 50% off of books they distribute, including some of our own! ☀️ Use code 27SUMMER at checkout, sale ends July 14th, 2024.
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Neglected Circadian Novels—New on Neglected Books. Novels set within a 24-hour period are a mostly post-19th Century phenomenon. And there's plenty more to this sub-genre than just Ulysses and Mrs. Dalloway.
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July 4th brings out calls to name the Great American Novel. In 1836, Edgar Allan Poe said it was Beverly Tucker's George Balcombe: "We are induced to regard it, upon the whole, as the best American novel." These things come and go & this is a pointless game. So, love great novels—don't rank them.
This is journalism? In NYTimes: six stories about why Biden should quit, a long-form about conservatives, and the next most important world event is . . . the Nathan’s hot-dog eating contest.
Delighted to see American Fiction since 1940, ed. Cyrus R.K.Patell & @mannahattamamma, in print! My essay's "Regionalism."
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Cleaning out old magazines, and found this from 2016. Evergreen.
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CNN admits retaliating against whistleblowers! link:
Why the scare quotes around 'convicted criminal'? Let me clear that up for you, Washington Post: He. Is. A. Convicted. Criminal--on 34 felony counts. Why is the Washington Post so slanted in Trump's favor?
Always here for a Sinclair Lewis reference.
"It can't happen here" is far from a perfect book, but it definitely had its moments of enduring insight.
From Books: A Memoir by Larry McMurtry: he & his partner thought about buying The Whale (English edition of Moby-Dick) owned by the novelist Charles Reade, who was charged with editing it down to 1 vol. 1st step: “He began his editorial work by drawing a bold line through ‘Call me Ishmael.’”
Deer in field of soon-to-be tall wheat and wheat field minus deer.
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When admins bring in consultants from these types of firms, they've already decided to cut programs and simply need someone to put a "data-driven" veneer on it. Before hiring a consultancy, admin should be required to publicize the firm's other higher ed clients and the outcomes *they* experienced
As the 21st century progresses, we're not going to need the population to have *less* knowledge of physics. Or high-level math like the programs just cut at WVU. How do all those 1's and 0's keep getting squished into smaller and smaller spaces? It's done by people who know physics. And not b.s.
Washington State University Tri-Cities has used rpk group.
Like, if your university hires the rpk Group, you know cuts and layoffs are coming. They have the same set of recommendations for every higher-ed client, and just cut and paste specific institutions' names. They're the embodiment of "if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail"
Clients « rpk
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Thank you for sharing Ursula K. Le Guin's writing wisdom. I also enjoy sharing her writing schedule with students in my uni environmental-science writing class, which hopefully inspires them to find their own writing schedules, & let them know that stupidity can be (or often is) a part of it.
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The entire 10th anniversary double-issue of Feminist Media Histories on "Curating Feminist Film Archives" is NOW FREE TO READ!!! (De-paywalled for a short time.) 🎞️🎞️
Volume 10 Issue 2-3 | Feminist Media Histories | University of California
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WaPo staff knew. Their excellent)reporters and photographers were at the Capitol for J6 where these flags and 2nd flag flew. WaPo won team Pulitzer for J6 coverage and has best visual forensics team in U.S. That reporter covered SCOTUS for 17 yrs. Did he/editors show deference to Alito? Yes.
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This is so important and valuable. A way to get "Google search without the crap." Notably AI crap, which destroys G-search utility. Intro'd here: In practice: After a Google search, click on "Web." You'll get the de-crapped results.
How I Made Google’s “Web” View My Default Forget AI. Google just created a version of its search engine free of the extra junk it has added over the past decade-plus. You just need one URL parameter.
Thought I would do a test drive with the subscription-based ChatGPT4o and see if it could read Wharton's handwriting. My favorite line: "They are her lovers not Satan worshipers." Are you SURE about that, GPT4?
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