Anthony (Tony) J. Martin

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Anthony (Tony) J. Martin

Traces and trace fossils. Latest book LIFE SCULPTED with U. of Chicago Press (2023), also wrote DINOSAURS WITHOUT BONES (2014), THE EVOLUTION UNDERGROUND (2017), and TRACKING THE GOLDEN ISLES (2020). Author website:
It was so nice to see the Natural History Museum's beautiful new gardens 😍 Well done to everyone involved in bringing this together 👏👏👏 It will be open to the public from tomorrow (18th July)! #geology ⚒️🧪
PSA: if you write a book and then soon thereafter write another book, such that for about five years you are “book writing,” you end up feeling like you’re not being productive unless you are actively writing a book. Signed, lady not currently writing a book.
I hadn't shot an abstract in some time....but walking by the delightful organic pattern in this drying mud at Kanaha, how could I resist? 📷🌿
Incomplete Olenellus gilberti from the Cambrian of Nevada. It was a test piece for my new scribe. #TrilobiteTuesday #fossils #paleontology #geology #Trilobite
TWISTER is such a great movie. The good storm chasers have sensors that are balls, which are round and wholesome, and the bad storm chasers have sensors that are cubes, the most evil shape.
I get so much enrichment in my faculty enclosure. They treat us quite humanely.
"I just don’t feel like films are meant to be message-oriented," the director said... right on the heels of a Rare analysis showing how including climate in TV and movies "increased support for governmental action on climate change and boosted several hard-to-move attitudes on climate justice."
‘Twisters’ chose not to mention climate change. Here’s why | The summer blockbuster puts nature’s ever-more destructive power in the spotlight. But like the titular twisters, there’s a hole at the center.
Enjoying a short trip to Cincinnati OH with spouse for art, science, & culture. One highlight was visiting the Krohn Conservatory butterfly house & seeing a live “dead-leaf” mimic, with false insect herbivory “traces” on its wings. 🦋 🌱 #insects
This week #InsertAnInvert2024 is about troglofauna: the cave dwellers. 🧪🐡 I’m veering from the suggested species to illustrate some #invertebrates I travelled to see, in the glowworm cave of Waitomo. I love bioluminescence and being a bit claustrophobic I was proud that I ventured into caves, 🧵1/n
Hespornis pair keep a wary eye on the crow shark, Squalicorax. This one sort of ran away from me. Started out as basic pen & ink but began messing with brush pens and markers for a bit of colour and before I knew it, the seascape was more or less fully rendered. A4. Original available
Not sure the world needs yet more photographs of leafcutter ants carrying leaves, but I thought this one turned out pretty good. Atta cephalotes, from Colombia.
Paleobotanist Jessie George and colleagues think we can learn a lot about managing today’s climate change by studying the #plants that survived the last one:
Asking AI for help might boost your creativity... but also make your story more mainstream. That, a revised date for our oldest ancestor, and more of the best from Science and science in this edition of #ScienceAdviser: 🧪
ScienceAdviser: An AI co-author might make your story more creative, but less Today in Science and science: Mapping gender in the brain, our oldest ancestor is older than we thought, and more
There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
My book-buying budget is not what it once was, which is precisely why I’m using the library more. It also gives me the opportunity to read books that I’m not sure I want to add to the home library (not that there’s a lot of room to do that anyway).
Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
New troodontid dinosaur Harenadraco prima: 🪶🧪 (📷Lee et al.)
Most advanced theropods belonged to a group called Tetanurae (meaning "stiff tails"). This clade contains all #dinosaurs closer to birds than ceratosaurs back to their most recent common ancestor. Tetanurans share a number of defining traits including having 3 or fewer functional fingers. #PaleoSky
If you are going to pirate books, nobody can really stop you. We all know this. But don’t tell an author that it’s okay to pirate books because you don’t think they’ll be able to earn an income after that, and that’s good, it ends capitalism.
Hungry bugs help us track life’s history. Insect damage on fossil leaves can act as a proxy for insect diversity, like who was eating what before and after the ☄️ 66 million years ago. In that case, there was a mass extinction of insects but new species evolved to take on old roles in the Paleocene
Tomorrow, a very special book comes out! It's my 3rd picture book, There Are No Ants in This Book, a silly, scientific picture book about ants. Give it to any kid who's excited about the world around them.
Another Eretmophyllum for #aGinkgoaDay; this one is rather special. Eretmophyllum obtusum is a leaf taxon which is part of the whole plant Nehvizdyella bipartita. This plant was a salt-marsh adapted ginkgoale from the Late Cretaceous of Europe! #paleoart #paleobotany
Roadside dinosaurs are perfect & I love them all. These wonky beauties are from a mobile home park (UT), a public park (CO), a highway (AR) & a gas station (AZ), photographed by John Margolies 1972-2008 & in the public domain (along with ~11K more roadside attractions)
I’m so excited that a creature I did most of the prep work on turned out to be a new species! I was even thanked in the paper. Meet Benggwigwishingasuchus!
A tale of two airport dinosaurs... ORD, BZN
"Winter Moon" took me 10 years to finish - sometimes art takes awhile. #SciArt #Paleoart
Abandoning a WIP doesn’t mean you're giving up. It's okay to pick it up later when the time feels right, or your skills feel more suited.