
This was also my experience a lil further south (MD and DE) two weeks ago. One lone trump shirt for sale on the boardwalk. Even the insane three-percenter flags and confederate flags are gone.
For all the doom and gloom about Biden, I drove through, like, thirty different jersey shore suburbs yesterday to visit family for the fourth and didn't see a single trump lawn sign, which is a portent.
I saw the same things on the Boardwalks. Only two people wearing Trump merchandise (one shirt, one carrying a flag), and nowhere near as much merchandise for sale. Last year it was all over the place. This year you had to really look for it.
We traveled in rural OH last week, in one of the reddest part of the states (Jim Jordan turf), and I was also surprised by how few trump flags were showing. We saw maybe 2-3 for the entire weekend, and one confederate flag.
Curious about where in DE — I still see a ton in the south
Lower slower. Parents live in ocean view, family from Dover to Salisbury.
I’ll play close attention the next time I go!
IDK what was up with the “TRUMP/KENNEDY 2021” flag I saw in Sea Isle NJ last week but it was at least flying from the back of the house….