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Earthologist #NDSU (Fargo, ND, USA). From St.Paul, Minneapolis. 🇩🇪🇮🇳🇱🇹spouse to 🇮🇸. ❤️ Chicago. 2x Fulbright #BLM #T1D ally #StandWithUkraine! #geology #geochemistry #mineralogy
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Today's plenary speaker at Earth Educators' Rendezvous ( crushed it and gave a talk that really rocked. The topic was on increasing accessibility in Geology and Earth sciences. It also put a really bright light on how inaccessible geology is. Very excellent talk!
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the full comic is even better
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Most blind people are not totally blind, most of us have some light and/or color perception. Just not enough to use a consistently functional fashion.
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They have such winning ideas like “why don’t we charge people who want to know if that tornado is gonna hit their house.”
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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This astonishing polychrome sculpture of St. Michael defeating the Devil (1692) by Luisa Roldán, known as La Roldana, stands at over 8’6” (Galería de las Colecciones Reales, Madrid)
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This morning in 1945—at 5:29:45 AM (Mountain War Time)—about 35 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico, the nuclear age began with a big bang. Contrary to widespread assumptions, the area surrounding the remote Trinity test site was not uninhabited, and the fallout did not drift away harmlessly.
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mystery rock from a hike near Yellowknife (Ontario) - what is this? my best guess is pseudotachylite but its quite anastomosing......
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We're in Yellowknife (Northwest Territories, Canada) for the kimberlite conference. They like their geology here.
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Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
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This storm is pulling down a chunk of cool air roughly ⅓ the size of Iowa, incredible
won't lie, this is looking bad
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Sudden market for stickers and patches saying "VA" that Trump fans can slap on signs and t-shirts from 2016 and 2020 to save money on buying new ones.
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The global population is expected to peak, then decline, by the end of the century, largely due to a sustained, long-term decline in fertility rates worldwide. Fertility rates measure the average number of children per woman. Globally, they have more than halved since 1950.
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The UN now projects that the global population will peak in the early 2080s at around 10.3 billion people. This is a couple of years earlier than it projected in its 2022 edition.
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For #FossilFriday, the largest fossil burrow I've seen in person, in Pleistocene rocks of Mar del Plata, Argentina. This burrow was likely made by a large burrowing mammal, such as an (under)ground sloth or giant armadillo. Scale = paleontologists Matias Taglioretti (L) & Yours Truly (R). #ichnology
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The conehead mantis (Empusa pennata). Photo by microphotography. Native to the Mediterranean area.
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First gen representation in all fields, education, engineering, physical science, and earth science, for undergrad vs doctorate. It's not great.
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New Grant Application: For this application please submit a timeline, a fully completed project, six supporting documents showing that you have already self-financed all of the work the grant would hypothetically support, and 7 letters of support from everyone remotely interested in the subject.
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This afternoon in 1950, a B-50D Superfortress ferrying an unarmed Mark-4 atomic bomb from Biggs AFB in El Paso, Texas, to a SAC base in England, fell out of sky and crashed west of Lebanon, Ohio, killing all 12 crew and 4 officers. The bomb’s 5,000 pounds of high explosives detonated on impact.
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New academia reality tv show in which hundreds of highly trained candidates get winnowed down to one champion, who is awarded the opportunity to teach intro classes outside their speciality with no research support!