Dominique Marks

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Dominique Marks

SFF/Horror/Erotica writer of the Afro-surreal and fantastic who has other opinions. They/them.🍉
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Profile background cover art of "The Half's Way" featuring a woman holding a big axe
Yeah, isn't that what the statue is for? Especially when you're drunk, I mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you’re cis and wondering why there are so many terminally online trans people here and in other places, it’s because outside is frequently unsafe for us because we’ve been turned into targets by politics.
Wonderful! 💜💜💜 Please keep me apprised of your newsletter and upcoming projects!
I think you're being generous here. It's quite clear what the Administration has done and continues to do, rhetorical gestures aside.
If you get covid, test every day after you test negative to catch the rebound. I was neg for days then got a whisper of a pos line. I started avoiding people, and in 18 hours I got sick and turned big positive. Everyone I know who got this variant has rebounded from 3 to 11 days afterwards.
Find someone who supports you, who makes you stronger, who inspires you to be a better person
This is the way colonizers talk. Like you should be grateful they didn't' slaughter all of you or take all of your land away, and you should never fight for anything more than the crumbs they will give you.
We've launched our summer subscriber drive to get us a bit more support to bring you more in-depth reporting and more sharp perspectives. Also: we have the much-requested Gentry Tears mugs. Here's how to get one and help local leftist journalism in the South: #avlnews
Also, if this gets filled (before August 1st), I'll be set and finally somewhat stable again 😭 Home stretch 💕💸
Hate going this route, but I'm panicking over this childcare bill. If I lose it, I'll either lose my job or have to quit my job and SW doesn't pay enough for me to survive. (Yes those are my kids in the pic, and the only time you'll see them here). 💕💸
Childcare Expenses, organized by Dani I'm Dani, a single mom, who has fallen behind massively on childcare payments. I don't qualify for chi… Dani Hofstad needs your support for Childcare Expenses
Only 14 backers needed to reach 300 total and unlock an exclusive story by based on this wonderful art by!
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to be productive at work, even though my job is important to my clients, because my soul is tired. I don’t know how much longer I can just keep working when we’re staring down the barrel of our extinction. Like…I feel like we should be doing something else.
I feel this a lot. The world is being re-shaped around us, at an incredibly rapid rate, and if we're not a part of that re-shaping, we will not like what the new world becomes.
- We have been the "first sale" for many writers over the years. A fact we are continually proud of. - Our globally diverse editorial board comes from more than seven countries in four different continents in over 30 cities.
"Half a century earlier, Antonio Gramsci, imprisoned by Benito Mussolini’s regime, wrote: 'The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.' We are in such a moment today."
Biden and Trump: The mad and bad of a decaying American The prospect of a pivot away from war, genocide and confrontation appears slim. But it felt likewise back in 1984
In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government Contracts We identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government ProPublica and Documented identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
When I got jumped in March 2016 at a Trump rally by Neo Nazis and Trump cheered it on from the stage the Democratic mayor issued a statement about violence on both sides and the ACLU supported Trump’s right to yell at people to attack me. Stop looking to institutions to protect you from fascists.
I have been living in a tent for nine months
Hello, friends, good evening I love, I thank you all, to everyone who stood by me and participated in the donation campaign of my family, you are really wonderful friends, God bless you, the goal has been achieved successfully, and my family and I are very happy
turns out whipping girl is a good book and not, as i erroneously claimed, "a type of nun"
Jamal is at 46,195£ right now and there are rumors the Rafah Crossing may be opening soon- we need 60,000£ to get his family out. We missed the first opportunity to do this when the fees were only 25,000£. I really don’t want to miss another one. If you have a little to give please do.
We were killed in all ways, in all places, and in the most horrific ways. There is no end? There is no justice in this world? There is no stopping this waterfall of blood?
Help Jamal’s family leave the war zone in Gaza, organized by Robyn Hi, my name is Robyn, I am a British citizen living in the UK. I am fundr… Robyn Parsons needs your support for Help Jamal’s family leave the war zone in Gaza
What Democrats do makes so much more sense when you stop thinking of them as an opposition party.
I'm thankful and hope you and your family are safe soon.
Something I would really suggest doing is to interact with the accounts from Gaza on here- even if you can’t send money just sending verbal support and love can make a real connection. I think it’s easy to make this genocide abstract and the people impacted abstractions- so fight against it ❤️