Dom Ricci

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Dom Ricci

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Fascinating three-species interaction: a Cooper’s hawk harassed and chased away by purple martins and an Eastern kingbird, Shawangunk Grasslands NWR (5/25/2024) 🪶#birds
Birds of Shawangunk Grasslands NWR: Grasshopper sparrow, Bobolinks, Eastern meadowlark, Willow flycatcher (5/25/2024) 🪶#birds
Late migrants at Bryant Park: mourning warbler, Lincoln’s sparrow, Swainson’s thrush. Mourning warblers are uncommon visitors to the New York Public Library, but this was one of a group of 4-5 stopping by. (6/5/2024) 🪶#birds
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Spring migration warblers in Prospect Park, Brooklyn: Blackpoll, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded, and (a really special visitor for NYC) Golden-Winged (5/11/2024) #birds 🪶
Spring migration warblers in Prospect Park, Brooklyn: Blackpoll, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded, and (a really special visitor for NYC) Golden-Winged (5/11/2024) #birds 🪶
Spring migration in Prospect Park, Brooklyn (compound adjective warbler edition): Bay-breasted, Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided, & Black-throated Blue (5/11/2024) #birds 🪶
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Something you don't see every day in Midtown Manhattan: a wild turkey! 🪶 This female was found to be hanging out in front of an office building, foraging in the planters and checking herself out in a mirrored column. Other than being out of place, she seems fine.
Turkey in midtown Manhattan! Hope it gets out safely. (5/7/2024) #birds 🪶
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Real and implied species. Support my Patreon for extra content:
Arrangement in yellow and blue. Spring migration in Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery featuring prairie warblers and blue grosbeaks (4/14/2024) 🪶 #birds
Scenes from Central Park: an overwintering green-winged teal joined by a palm warbler and northern rough-winged swallows arriving on their migration north (4/13/2024) 🪶 #birds
Skulky birds of Bryant Park: Virginia rail & American woodcock. The former is an uncommon visitor while the latter is a regular migrant at the park (4/5/2024) 🪶#birds
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The early signs of spring migration are upon us: swamp sparrow, pine warbler, ruby-crowned kinglet, and Eastern phoebe. Central Park (3/22/2024) #birds 🪶
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The March Mammal Madness combatant line-up this year is redonk- LOTS of heavy hitters, possible dark horses, and classic underdogs.
A rufous hummingbird visits a feeder in Prospect Park on Presidents’ Day. A vagrant from the West Coast, this is the first one recorded in Brooklyn. The incoming orange gorgets suggest it’s an immature male (2/19/2024) #birdsnyc #birds 🪶
Saturday was an amazing day for raptors around Croton Point Park while on a walk with the Linnaean Society of New York. Bald eagle & peregrine falcon near the MetroNorth station; northern harrier & American kestrel hunting in the grasslands which cap the park’s reclaimed landfill #birds 🪶
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So, this happened... MacGillivray's Warbler, in the boogie down Bronx! Glad I got to see it, waited around for nearly 2 hours and got it out in the open! #birding #birds #warbler #BronxNYC
Encountered a mixed flock of purple sandpipers & dunlin feeding on the wave-washed rocks of Governors Island. Fascinating how deftly they maneuvered around the crashing wakes of passing ships. #birds #birdsnyc 🪶
A MacGillivray’s warbler unexpectedly hopping around in the Bronx. A vagrant species usually found west of the Rockies, it was found by a 13 year old on their local Christmas bird count! #birds #birdsnyc 🪶
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A giant insect, a giant mammal, and a giant reptile walk into a bar. “What’s your order?” the bartender asks. “You should be able to tell that pretty easily just by looking at us,” one of the animals replies, “but it’ll be a lot harder to figure out our genus.”
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Happy Thanksgiving from NYC! 🪶
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I was fortunate to see the extremely rare Black-Chinned Hummingbird today at Randalls Island, NYC. Thanks to the park staff and other birders who found and ID'd it - the first ever record for New York state! 🪶
Fortunate to have a fascinating behind-the-scenes view into the AMNH butterfly collection from curator David Grimaldi & Invertebrate Zoology chair, including a selection of exotic & local butterflies from its 3.5 million Lepidoptera specimens and the new vivarium 🦋
Cooper’s hawk caught in the act in a John Alton film noir. Central Park Ramble, 2020. #birds #birdsnyc 🪶
Black and white photo time! Anyone else have some black and white nature to share? Inspired by's lovely posts today. Look at these two very serious birds! (Bald Eagles being awesome) #birds 🌿
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It's that time again. I made this comic a few years ago, and now I hear people using the phrase "weird duck time" without knowing where it came from, which makes me happy beyond words. Here's to the season of spectacular ducks 🪶
Happened upon a plethora of purple sandpipers hopping on the shoreline rocks along the Belt Parkway Promenade in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Lifer! (11/25/2023) 🪶#birds #birdsnyc
3 purple sandpipers on rocks south of American Veterans Memorial Pier at 74th St in Bay Ridge #birdsnyc
A juvenile peregrine falcon patrols its domain as it considers its dining options among the waterfowl gathered at the Jamaica Bay WR West Pond (11/18/2023) #birds #birdsnyc 🪶