
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
Orange Jesus loving Federalist calling DOLLY "False gospel" Those MFers really have no clue, do they?
It's not about not having a clue. It's about being hateful fucks, and trying to come up with some sort of justification for why being generous, loving and kind is unChristian because she makes them look bad and they know it.
They're all about the fire and brimstone but less about the love and forgiveness
Old Testament vengeful God for people they don't like, New Testament forgiving Jesus for themselves and people they like. Very much like the law enforcement and courts they want.
Just FYI, that OT/NT thing is both the Marcionite heresy and an antisemitic trope.
Just here to point out that there wasn’t a fire and brimstone Gd in Jewish scriptures until Christians put it there.
Whereas Revelations seems out of place in the NT, like John accidentally ate 20 caps of psilocybin and had a horrifically bad trip; OT consistently paints god as angry, jealous, and vengeful. It’s neither here nor there for me because I think the Bible is horse shit. But for what it’s worth
What do you hope to achieve with this comment? Jews have already said that’s an antisemitic trope and you’re doubling down based on what appears to be a surface reading with no substance.
I’ve read it. I’ve taken a deep dive. If you take the full context my comment, you’ll see that I’m not really down with Judaism or Christianity or any other religion. Is the op anti Christian for pointing out they put fire and brimstone in scripture? I’m just making an observation.
If you actually had, you’d know it’s Revelation, not revelationS. I have a masters in it.
I eye most religion with suspicion, but I don’t harbor ill will toward a person for believing. I assume your defensiveness is based on current events and I can understand that.
It is antisemitic (& false, & a heresy for Christians) to claim that the Christian deity is loving and forgiving but the Jewish Gd is angry, vengeful, etc. That’s what I’m responding to. I don’t know why you need to defend that ugly viewpoint if you’re as liberated from religion as you claim.
I believe they are one and the same god and also a fairy tale. Rest assured, your pearl clutching over me defending any part of it is misplaced.
Yet you jump into replies to an antisemitic post to say that the antisemitic post is correct.
I concede I flippantly made a comment on a post without stopping to consider the optics. I thought the thread was generally calling out evangelical Christians for attacking Dolly (whom I love). I did not mean to insult just the OT. Still waiting for the Jesus freaks to attack my blasphemy of John
Any philosophy, mythology, faith, etc which requires the initiated to be this defensive about a collection of outdated scrolls seems less than fulfilling. But that’s just me I guess.
Go tell it to the guy who cares enough about it to attack other people’s scrolls and stop bothering me.
Thoughts and prayers to the good lady who commented about me then immediately blocked me 🤣