
Authoritarian regimes seek to delegitmate and control aspects of society that are not some measure of independence: That includes universities, the government bureaucracy, a free press, and, civil society. Here Goldberg talks about the growing attack on nonprofits and philanthropic organizations.
The Gaza war has provided leverage to pursue donors (Soros!) accused of supporting protest. Reframing that as support of terrorism means doing more than scoring political points - it also means threatening the legal status of of nonprofits.
If you are a big foundation, very reasonable to worry that Trump would use executive power (IRS/DOJ) to investigate orgs not seen as supportive. Creates a chilling effect. Ford Foundation accused of withdrawing award to Liz Cheney out of fear of offending Trump.
Ex-Ford foundation member calls Liz Cheney 'only person on this planet' worthy of top award after snub he says was over Prize-winning photographer David Hume Kennerly said the organization he resigned from was cowed by fear of retribution from Donald Trump if he wins the presidential election.
I got confused by names — the Gerald R Ford Foundation referenced in the article has long-standing ties to the Republican Party and is 400x smaller (by asset size) than *the* Ford Foundation.
Is it me or have the same tactics always been tried, but until the recent past they were mostly rejected as bad faith actions being done by bad faith actors and some shift recently means that now it's just all being taken seriously?
I was just thinking if there was a comparison here to the way they levied antisemitism accusations against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, and his supporters, to stamp out his lefty, dangerous ideas.
Looking forward to seeing non-profit status removed from any group that donates to the Freedom Caucus, known supporters of alt-right domestic terrorism. Tough shake for roaches like Moms for Liberty
This is all 100% true A law can chill speech without a single charge being filed
Pro-democracy opinion columnists are serving public informational needs much better than traditional journalists.
I appreciate this is talking about large donors but in a fascist world where Democrats are mortal enemies: I hate that actblue publicly reports even a $0.26 donation even though not legally required until much larger I hate that I have to publicly register as a Democrat to vote in the primaries