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Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
Still marveling at Gorsuch's Ohio v. EPA opinion, in which he confused nitrogen oxide (a pollutant) with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). He did this five times, never once getting it right—in an opinion overruling the EPA's own expert scientific analysis!
Where are the masses who will weep for the airlines?
More people than ever can afford to take a vacation, but airlines aren't pocketing record profits because they have to pay their workers more. Here's why that's bad news for joe biden
Air travel demand is breaking records. Airline profits are Higher labor and other costs have eaten into airlines’ bottom lines.
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
"incoming spam detected" notifications kinda defeat the purpose man just send the text into oblivion and don't bother me about it
"Oh no, my wealth!" is the least sympathetic thing anyone has ever said. I say throw them into a volcano.
The Telegraph wants you to feel sorry for a retired couple who made a £1.3 million profit on a £300,000 home.
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
I keep thinking about how my parents worked extra jobs to buy our family a computer and then I just used it to be like this
Google without AI: Here are some places that may have answers you can start judging for yourself Google with AI: We have searched the entire internet and can tell you with certainty that this bullshit is the answer
Doing a stochastic terror but making sure you yourself are the target.
Avatar His opponent is a convicted rapist, you absolute dogshit people.
Now everyone--The Times and, sorry to say, MSNBC--is noting every missed syllable. The man has a stutter. I don't stutter but I am a mushmouth who speaks too fast and slurs words. I've had to overcome fear of public speaking. I have empathy for Biden. The press has empathy for no one (but Trump).
Goading Biden into "Official act"-ing your newspaper. For the lulz.
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
Listen I hate the Tories and I’m thrilled to see them collapse but you all should know that Keir Starmer also sucks
I was so sure SCOTUS was delaying immunity without granting,just for the election. I'm 100% sure Cannon will fully dismiss based on total immunity.
NEW: Trump, joined by codefendants, asks Judge Cannon for a partial stay of the classified docs case while Cannon considers the effects of the SCOTUS immunity decision and the appointments and appropriations clause arguments
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
I dunno what's going to happen or what should happen but my feeling is that if you swap candidates in July you get annihilated in November
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
Maybe if I reply “I have $26 in my bank account stop emailing me” I will get less emails from all these shops trying to get me to spend money
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
It's not just that it's a piece against voting, it's a fake world-weary article about how civic disengagement is good from a guy with radical reactionary politics who spends his life doing advocacy (including publishing this op-ed in the New York Times)
Avatar Does the NC GOP candidate for governor calling for violence warrant coverage, or is Biden still old?
Don't fuck it up, Britain. Don't let them tell you it has to be austerity forever. Make them be the fucking socialists your grandparents got to benefit from.
In addition to packing the court, we should also pack Congress. 435 representatives? Make it 4,350. Build Federal Houses with e-voting next to State Houses. One committee assignment per member, no exceptions. E-voting if you don't absolutely have to be in Washington.
For real though it sucks that Britain, a damp rock the size of one of my city's medium sized parks, has a legislature with more representatives than the United States. We deserve better.
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
I'm very cynical about all politicians these days and I'm worried Labour will be the most conservative they've ever been instead of embracing who they should be with this much power.
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
History will recall that the New York Times, that bastion of "the liberal media," on July 4, 2024 chose to give prime space on their op-ed page to a theocratic absolutist who argued that people shouldn't vote, even though he himself has voted in the last 2 elections (but nowhere is that mentioned).
When I first saw this I thought "no, that can't possibly be true." But alas, the Times did indeed choose today of all days to publish a right winger's recycled piece about how they don't vote, failing to mention that the author basically thinks absolutist theocracies are cool.
If someone told me 30 years ago that every single interaction online would eventually require registering, signing in, and receiving regular e-mails and more ads than friends' posts from those sites, I might have avoided the internet that whole time.
CEO is such a made-up, no-work position. You're telling me this is how investors want you to spend your time? This is maximizing their returns?
TIL that WeWork’s Adam Neumann met with Elon Musk to consult about WeWork office space on Mars. Lol. Looooooooooool
Republicans would fully pursue keeping anyone else off the ballot this late in the game and would probably do just enough damage with just enough judicial corruption to make sure they win. I don't see how anyone is seriously considering it. The NYT isn't a good-faith institution.
Some people looked at the same upward trajectory of humanity I did and decided "No, that's bad actually." MFers are going on TV and saying "We're going to repeal the 20th Century." They think the optimism of equality is bad.
so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
Please do this and then see the lowest ever turnout for a Presidential election, you fucking asshole morons. Absolute cretins. "The Left is saved!"
Galaxy brain moves afoot “In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden”
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public.
Reposted byAvatar votenanocratic
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
I wish only the worst things upon them. I pray for their anguish and sorrow.