
Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
I work on Medicaid. I expected it to be overturned *and* I am unsure now what this means for my work and many others. I can think of few programs that are so heavily rules based and where interpretation and enforcement of those rules so consequential.
I’m so old I remember Democrats insisting that expanding the Court was a RECKLESS UNSERIOUS PARTISAN IMPULSE and never to be considered, etc. ::touches earpiece:: Ah, I’m being told that is still the Democrats’ stance. Well, bygones.
Good thing all the important opinion havers already published their important debate opinions and are off to their beach houses. lookin at you, Krugman.
Full fledged maga attack on fundamental rights under constitution literally Trump it elected will sease bank account invade states and attack Canada and Mexico
We're screwed. Next time you see a Trump supporter, thank them.
Expand the court or democracy is just a hollow paper bag.
The American government: Famous for fighting against the powerful’s interest in society.
we can see how the French revolution went down the way it did
We'll just get congress to clarify the role of government in legislation... Oh yeah, right, never mind. #weeping
I have been yelling this into the aether. Voting is the start of a very long journey. The way laws are drafted is going to have to change to anticipate lawfare and explicitly address the many technical arguments used to dismantle them. I used to train in contract construction.