Dorian Wright

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Dorian Wright

Mouthy gay man, SoCal, your dad thinks I'm hot.
Yeah, it's the only one I've tried that's proven effective in it's stated purpose because it's purely based on account age
I find that "new user" labeler really effective in screening out people like this.
Oh, yeah, my first one was so bad I had to be hospitalized. This is just "I am not safe to drive or use stairs today.,"
Vertigo sucks. The medical condition, not the shuttered DC imprint. Feel how you want about the latter.
"Why aren't people freaking out about the shooting?" I dunno, man, maybe because there are like three of these a day for the past decade.
Reposted byAvatar Dorian Wright
Stop taking specific technical terms that refer to material things and turning them into Vibes based emotions challenge: impossible
Love an infographic that extremely broadens a well-understood term. Why not
There may be no more accurate a test of whether or not I can take your opinions on films seriously than your answer to the question "Is Nicholas Cage a good actor?"
"I am the Protagonist of reality" from each and every person in his camp.
Love to discover a large check fraud on the company's account that I am in no way, shape, or form possibly responsible for bit it is somehow on me to fix because banks have absolutely no accountability for their fuck ups.
"You allowed this obvious fraud to occur." "OK. Sucks to be you, I guess."
This is the second time a check has been altered by literally sticking an address label over the Pay To field and each time our bank has been "how could we possibly have prevented this?" and, guys, it is very obviously an address label and not security ink printed on security paper...
It was "let's you and him fight" and very obviously so.
I can't express how much I wish people would look at and understand this. The "Journalism discourse" list was created on July 26th Weeks before the JB discourse actually started. This was primed and targeted at us and utilized incredibly effectively to stir the pot the moment they had a spark
Arby's finally brought back potato cakes, tge world is slightly improved
Gonna become a guy who posts on out-of-context movie and TV show clips on Instragram and TikTok just to refute lazy comments from media-poisoned people. "Actually, according to most studies, intelligence correlates with empathy. Sheldon/House is just a selfish narcissist."
Not as such. They're fucking with him because they can and he's an asshole streamer so you're predisposed to think he has it coming.
The only one I've liked is DEADSTREAM and that is 90 minutes of the streamer getting the crap beat out of him by ghosts.
The entire nation went "oh no" yesterday and the national press mistook that for an expression of sympathy.
Watching THE BEDROOM WINDOW for the plot. The Plot:
I'm 50/50 on "false flag" or "someone upset he's not far right enough"...
Okay, maybe 45/45/10 on "someone who got really badly Q-pilled finally overcame their cognitive dissonance with the Epstein files"
It really wasn't a scolding. He just went nuclear and kicked off a whole thing. Cheryl Eaton has a very good, nuanced post about it.
Unusual companion combos in DA:O leads to...curious inconsistencies in approval. IE: Morrigan: I need you to kill my mother before she can do things to my body against my will. Also Morrigan: What, you're NOT going to side with the woman who wants to turn people into golems against their will.
I've literally spent all day alternating between playing Dragon Age and dealing with a death in the family, and everyone is being fucking coy about shit again.
Well, the original post that set him off was more "please don't write about trans issues, as a cis man, if you're going to continue working there" and he kind of blew up. Which is an unfortunate habit of his when he's critiqued from the left. THAT triggered a pile on from both sides.
Reposted byAvatar Dorian Wright
"I would rather you not write about me and mine at this place I consider useless at best and hostile at worst" isn't really the same as "How dare you accept a platform that has been denied to your people for decades at a place that actively worked to denigrate them in order to advocate for change?"
Reposted byAvatar Dorian Wright
Sorry to open a can of worms, but THIS was it? This was an extremely mild way to say, "Keep my name out your mouth."