drow zelensky

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drow zelensky


teylor elison svift (b. 1989) is a ukrainian singer songwriter. she is recognised internationally for multi-award winning singles such as "we are never ever getting back together (you muscovite cunt)"


Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up.
You should not package the elections of other countries as "lessons" for US voters. Shut the fuck up.
If this little piece of shit said this the other way round - that we shouldn't grant citizenship to Jews because British Jews are generally pro-Israel - what would we call that
Polite request to the Scottish diaspora: if you believe in independence stop talking like this because some of us, who actually work for it on the ground, on the ground right here, can't easily hive off 47%-55% of the country from our ideal fucking image of Scotland
Someone might be, for instance, a patient reformist on how to get independence, redistributionist, largely against further oil and gas extraction, largely secular, and yet so rabid about trans people that she pals around with people who are the exact opposite on all the other Qs. Pic unrelated.
My favourite bit of this article is the author praising the idea that sex is immutable and then immediately providing an example of how she thinks a GRC mutates it
Look, America has big problems but the absolutely unhinged freak out about trans women in the UK is breathtaking. My god, who has the time for these insane “concerns”? www.newstatesman.com/politics/lab...
Labour’s women problemwww.newstatesman.com Keir Starmer must accept that JK Rowling is right.
you thought it was very funny when super hans said this because it illustrates his disconnection from reality. i think he's objectively correct. we are not the same
or did people forget this great example of the majority of the electorate /not/ actually getting what they wanted
or this one. or this one
Hey guys remember when Margaret Thatcher could have been unseated after one term if the UK actually had an electoral system that reflected the majority of the population and not just whoever gets to be the largest minority because I do. i also remember how she /wouldn't have been elected/
these are three. separate. parties
this is objectively one of the funniest things i have read, once you decide to proactively not think about the fact that "funny" in this case means active suppression of cultural and political self-expression
Infamously, the head of the PCE during the Brezhnev years wrote to the Soviet government to complain that the Soviet Encyclopedia claimed France had ethnic minorities on its territory because he didn't want to even acknowledge the idea that the Bretons, Corsicans or Alsatians exist
They even gave a seat to the Basque nationalists! What does a Celt have to do to get some autonomy around here
The thing is, at core, a lot of "the Dems should jettison Biden" stuff to me, as an outsider, seems like it can be replied to in one meme:
Those IPA and shandy stats would seem to suggest that an 80% or so supermajority of IPA and shandy drinkers in Scotland vote SNP
So Geralt, at this juncture, is at his lowest point. His injury at Thanedd, and the perceived betrayal of Yen, and the resulting chronic pain, has convinced him that all that these shitty little bigots told him for all of his life is true - that he's not really a meaningfully intact human being,
"No, you don't get it. So Pelikán is sent to prison for illegally slaughtering a pig, Dezső. And then he's mysteriously released and *that* night he's picked up by the Black Pobeda, and *this* is when he meets Comrade Virág, who tells him 'Comrade, one day we will ask you for a favour.'..."
i wonder how much i would traumatise you by saying that i decided the latrine in my main character's house, whose layout i stole from this nice artwork i found online, is where i marked it here with a red circle, and it just opens onto the street
makes no sense. ukraine, famously, cannot perish
"It's very different" the Ukrainian Government does not agree
this is probably the worst thing ive ever done
Bold attempt to run from responsibility for your bullshit to be sure
The story goes crazy
Oh yeah. That's the good shit
Fuck Walter Scott exhibit 745,147
Hey um holy shit (Where it says "we folk" i think it's meant to be "wee folk")
... do we know what Tolkien thought of Celtic nationalisms
Much online ink is spilled among the "knows a little but not a lot" crowd about the Toryism or even pro-feudal inclinations of Tolkien's politics and LotR specifically but this passage, imo, runs as a particularly strong counter to those perspectives.
people like talking like this about north macedonia but you know who is also exactly like this
Skopje was one of the oddest and most unsettling places I've ever been. Among all the hyper-nationalist statues, there is one (total) depicting a woman—a mother taking care of her son through his young life, not far from the Styrofoam-columned archaeological museum. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/w...
Who Owns Alexander the Great? It’s a Diplomatic Minefield.www.nytimes.com North Macedonia has claimed historical figures as part of a drive to build a national identity. That has ruffled the feathers of the Balkan nation’s neighbors.
Find someone who loves you as much as Slavs love Heroes of Might and Magic III.