drow zelensky

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drow zelensky


teylor elison svift (b. 1989) is a ukrainian singer songwriter. she is recognised internationally for multi-award winning singles such as "we are never ever getting back together (you muscovite cunt)"


Yes, I mean, that's also true.
This is very true. The interesting thing about the man is that a lot of things that read as hypocrisy to me also seem to be his genuinely held beliefs.
In this regard he is quite different eg. from Blair, who was a mad evangelist for deliberate hypocrisy.
I like Rayner quite a lot, but Starmer absolutely would do the exact same thing and meet with JKR the next afternoon anyway.
Wait, she's wearing a trans rights button. Who do i have to kill to replace keir with her?
There is a particular kind of Labourite tactical cowardice that manifests in holding multiple logically contradictory opinions at once for expedience.
No you know what this isnt fair. This is all British politicians
Yes. But they are quite unusual in that their president is weaker (but also stronger, sometimes)
Great concept, absolutely correct, not what happened in either of them.
no you are unironically correct
Reposted byAvatar drow zelensky
STOP exploring the Roman Empire. We all know what Italy is, thanks. We found EVERYTHING that tastes good 1. spaghetti 🍝 and 2. mozzarella sticks. 12,301,320 undiscovered guys named Gaius go to hell.
In much the same way Alex Neil will not be given a single iota of being taken seriously.
Just because you set it to the sex number does not mean it will get everyone pent up and horny, Yoon
Reposted byAvatar drow zelensky
So relatable and also iconic: On one occasion, Paul Erdős met a mathematician and asked him where he was from. "Vancouver," the mathematician replied. "Oh, then you must know my good friend Elliot Mendelson," Erdős said. The reply was "I AM your good friend Elliot Mendelson."
Alex Neil piping up with his opinion on what the SNP should do is the (very sad) SNP equivalent of Tony Blair piping up with his opinion on what the Labour Party should do
The man was clearly insane when the people who are now in Abla seemed reasonable.
They should just reset to the 4th's constitution so they can make it the 4th again for shits and giggles
a slow-moving study in how a country develops sociopathy as the normal mode of operation
🤬 Russians urge to strike mothers and their children evacuated from Kyiv children’s hospital with Kinzhal “Evacuated mothers with sick children from the hospital Okhmatdyt, in which yard a downed rocket fell. Am I the only one thinking about hitting with Kinzhal again?”
Oh that's even worse. That's just a straight up presidential system
There is never any need to imitate such a ridiculous system of government.
Re: why you really can't use France as an overall example for how to do things in other countries, there is also this
It's a very weird mode of governance that I don't entirely get and you need to go full Pepe Silvia on to truly understand because basically nobody besides those two does it.
You know what we call what the French call "cohabitation" everywhere else? Nothing, because it's not a relevant problem.
Ignore what the wiki page on semi-presidential republics says. As a Lithuanian, I do not care what the polsci wonks think, we are not a semi-presidential republic in the same way that France and Ukraine are.
A Lithuanian Prime Minister with a strong enough majority can govern completely disregarding the President if they wish. A French one absolutely cannot.
Semi-parliamentary, but aye.
France is a special little angel all in itself. The country closest to its particular constitutional order anywhere in the world is Ukraine, amusingly.
It's a very weird mode of governance that I don't entirely get and you need to go full Pepe Silvia on to truly understand because basically nobody besides those two does it.
Reposted byAvatar drow zelensky
If every electoral outcome confirms that we need to do the thing you already wanted to do anyway you’re not an analyst you’re a hack
Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up.
You should not package the elections of other countries as "lessons" for US voters. Shut the fuck up.
You should not package the elections of other countries as "lessons" for US voters. Shut the fuck up.
As shocking as it is to believe, not everything in the world is exactly like America, and vice versa.