
I just read the line "I am not against multiethnic families in principle" from a nominally leftist account before they went on to expound on how only a few people are qualified to form one and you know what, fuck Americans and all their works. Full offence.
There is absolutely no qualifying statement you can make to your idea that multiethnic families are inherently abusive that makes it less insane, and in no world will it be an interesting point, because people falling in love and having babies is an intrinsic good.
Ngl as a multiethnic American, I’ve been reading more and more eyebrow-raising perspectives about multiethnic marriage from leftists.
"Fucking outside your ethnic group is cultural appropriation" ?
More like “how dare you fall in love with your oppressor, that’s so problematic”
I want this cross stitched on a pillow.
If it's the thread I'm thinking of, they were talking explicitly about adopting, specifically white people adopting Black children, which can be perfectly fine and can also put Black children in physical and psychological danger simply due to America's truly grotesque denial of anti-Black racism.
Oh no, this person specified they have trauma left over from their /biological/ mother being white.
I'll give her this: she knows more about being a Black woman born to a white mother in America than you or I, and it's very easy to sit on the sidelines and make a judgement about the things she's actually experiencing, but being a Pollyanna and being correct are not the same thing.
If her experience of living in a Black woman's body, and I assume she has friends from similar backgrounds, leads her to conclude that white America is still not broadly capable of raising biracial children in safety and understanding, I am certainly not going to tell her she's wrong.
She's also one person with her own experience and not the mouthpiece for all biracial women in America, and people are absolutely entitled to use Bsky as a journal without their words being extrapolated to their entire cohort.
Now I have to wonder if they would consider my parents to be from different ethnicities or if I am in a multiethnic marriage. I guess it depends on whether they think Jews are white and not an ethnicity.
The only good answer I've come up with to that question is "the white ones are". I asked Dad about it once and he said he got some bigotry when he married Mom but aside from stressing it wasn't from family or other folks I knew he didn't want to talk about it and I had no reason to pry.
That would've been in the 70s, for the record. The quippy summary I go with about the weirdness of Jews and ethnicity is "I was born white, my mother wasn't but is white, and my grandpa was never white." But that's just my family.
It’s simple for me. My Jewish family is pretty white and my gentile family is very white.
What have I just read? Such people exist?
I have no idea how that's an "American" viewpoint since this is easily the world capital of multiethnic families, but okay?
(Granted, we've got an assload of racist weirdos, but it's a big country, so we've got an assload of everything.)
It was people talking about facing racism within their own families and how painful and upsetting that is. The 'condition' was not being racist.
Yeah I’m taking this L for sure We’re about to reinvent miscegenation but From The Left, I swear
Was it "I am not against multiethnic families but..."
While I am unclear how its explicitly an 'Americanism' in that, I know the type of people you are talking abt and they are the worst
I have never heard it from people who claim to be progressives literally anywhere else
It is not a /mainstream viewpoint/ among you guys, no, but I didn't say that, I just said a generic "fuck Americans and all their works"
I slept like crap and admit I misinterpreted it a bit there tbqh, I have had thoughts for why it does seem a fair bit more of an... Americanism then other things
Our unique demographics have caused us to pioneer some pretty exotic threads of identity politics, that's for sure.
Again, Maoism-Calvinism synthesis has been.. not the best innovation in batshit insanity
I deleted an angry reply to this and am instead going to ask that you chill out about making sweeping claims about Americans because of one room temp IQ internet leftist
Allow me exactly one sweeping claim: you are the most sensitive people on earth
Yanks make sweeping claims about Europeans on this website like every day and so therefore lol, lmao, sometimes I will make a hyperbolic comment too and uh, how do I put this, I do not plan to stop
Yeah, if "we" have to listen to inept generalisations about "euros" from North Americans we at least get to take the piss, hard. This is possibly the only thing which can ever unite us.
I do think that it's only fun to make fun of English people or whatever if they get a little mad about it, so I'm happy to play along with a little Yankee indignity, but there's a time and place.